45 Years Ago Today

Sep 22, 2009 22:59

I didn't watch the first MFU episode when it was shown, still, happy U.N.C.L.E. anniversary, God bless and all that. Though I am not entirely sure, I have a memory of watching "Green Opal." A buzz at school surrounded the Illya character, but maybe I blinked in that particular episode and missed him. I didn't know who my classmates meant. I kept looking for him and, if I remembered to watch the following week--"Giuoco Piano"--he must have been obvious. But my earliest memories of MFU involve looking for the Russian, the blond guy, and not being able to find him. Perhaps, the sometimes teasing glimpses of Illya in Season One worked to hook young viewers, though I don't think it was intentional ploy.

I have a short review of "Vulcan" the affair I never watched way back when.

The Vulcan Affair
Airdate: September 22, 1964
Writer: Sam Rolfe

Much of the U.N.C.L.E. format is in place for this pilot episode. Thrush agents break into headquarters and demonstrate how the Del Floria Tailor front works. There will be an INNOCENT who will be happy to return to Kansas (or Middleton, NY in this case). Me, I always wondered why Dorothy ever wanted to return to Kansas, but I digress. Mr. Waverly is professorial and stumbles over names. He also has friends in high places and uses his connection with an Anglican bishop to persuade mad housewife (Patricia Crowley) to accompany Solo on his mission. We have eccentric villains and an international plotline.

Solo is a suave womanizer despite being hampered by terminal wet-headedness and knows how to use his charm, his gun (both of them, it would appear) and knows when to duck behind bulletproof glass. Oh, it’s all here; nothing is missing.

Except. Except? Who was that cute blond guy in the First Act?: the one with the cool accent, the one with the Beatles haircut, the one in the almost white outfit, the one wearing pointy suede shoes, the one without the wedding ring. Though relegated to handing Solo outdated yearbooks, he seems bright enough. Is he a friend of Solo’s? Where'd he meet him? Do they ever work together? Where’s he from? Hope we find out or this show is doomed.

Other than the brief glimpse of Illya, the most interesting part of this episode occurs at the very end. Solo (and I don’t think he is even Napoleon yet, except for in the credits) watches the INNOCENT return to her family with an expression of raw longing, as if he too wishes for a family and a life in Kansas rather than OZ (or Wonderland). He recovers soon enough and flirts with a stewardess, but the poignancy is there for more than a long moment. There might be a little more to him than meets the eye. Maybe he needs a friend.

One more passing note: this episode was filmed when JFK was assassinated, November of 1963. No doubt an interesting set that day, when America stopped resembling Kansas.
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