Atten: dinogrrl

Dec 31, 2008 18:05

*Zooms in under the wire* Phew! Dino, I have a 'Spark here for you and I don't think he likes me anymore! Set in G1 verse.

Winter Wonderland

Rating: G

Wildspark narrowed his optics in frustration and sighed for the umpteenth time in less than an hour. Wheeljack glanced over to where the chemical engineer was working across the lab before looking back down to his own project, but Perceptor didn't bother looking up at all.

"How am I supposed to study the chemical complexities of this stuff if it disintegrates so quickly?" Wildspark complained.

Wheeljack looked up again to speak, "Actually, the correct term is 'melts'. Snow doesn't disintegrate, it melts."

"I am fully aware of that." Wildspark retorted. "That doesn't help solve my problem."

"Go out in it." Perceptor replied bluntly, still not looking up.

"There is plenty of snow outside and it's much colder than inside the Ark." Wheeljack added.

Wildspark looked up at Wheeljack and Perceptor as though they had gone insane, "You want me to go outside?!"

"It's not that bad." Wheeljack replied. "Staying in the Ark all the time doesn't do anyone any good, including you. A change of scenery lifts the spirits."

"I don't need my spirits lifting. I'm perfectly happy remaining within the confines of the Ark." Wildspark said.

"If you want to get a sample that doesn't melt as soon as you begin studying it, and want to do it for yourself rather than look at the research Wheeljack and I have already done regarding snow, then you'll need to go outside." Perceptor countered.

Wildspark frowned, almost to the point of pouting as he looked between the two mechs sharing the lab with him and his own work. He really had no fondness at all for going outside, but he didn't want to have to rely on reading Wheeljack and Perceptor's notes about snow - he wanted to do the research himself and write up his own findings.

Huffing a sigh, Wildspark got up from his seat. Kuma tilted his head curiously as his much larger companion gently put him on his desk and looked down at him.

"Stay here, Kuma." Wildspark told the tegu. "It's too cold for you outside."

Kuma made a content sound and scuttled over the desk, but kept out of the way of Wildspark's project. The scientist nodded to himself and left the lab. Once he'd gotten some simple containers from supplies, Wildspark made his way - tentatively - outside. The entire area for miles upon miles around the Ark and beyond was covered in a thick blanket of snow. Wildspark felt his frame shudder, more from distaste than the cold itself, before moving out further a field to get the new samples he wanted.

Just as he knelt down and opened one container, Wildspark heard the sound of laughter. Lifting up his head as his tentacles twitched, Wildspark determined that the sound was coming from close by - as it turned out, up the snow covered mountain that the Ark had crashed into.

Curiosity got the better of the scientist and he left the containers on the ground to seek out exactly who was laughing and for what reason. Eventually, Wildspark discovered a dozen or so mechs up one of the high ridges of the mountain, looking down one of the slopes away from him.

Wildspark frowned and yelled, "Hey! What are you doing?!"

The mechs turned and looked down at Wildspark and one of them, whom Wildspark immediately recognized as Jazz, hollered back down, "What?!"

"I said, what are you doing up there?!"

"Can't hear ya! What did ya say?!"

Wildspark huffed again before trying to open a comm. link to the saboteur, only to find it full of static. He looked back up at the mech with growing annoyance.

"Come up!" Jazz called, gesturing for Wildspark to join them.

Wildspark looked back towards the Ark, not wanting to stay outside any longer than he had to, but decided to go up anyway - if only to find out what Jazz and the other mechs were up to. It wouldn't take long for him to find out and then he could go back to his own work.

Upon joining the mechs on the ridge, Wildspark caught a glimpse of one mech - perhaps Bluestreak - disappearing over the edge of the ridge cheering as he went. His optics widened and his mouth dropped as though to yell, but Jazz patted his shoulder.

"He ain't in no danger, 'Spark." Jazz grinned. "He's snowboardin'."

Wildspark stared, "He's what?!"

"Snowboardin'." Jazz replied. "It's a sport that humans participate in. They go up snow covered mountains an' slide down again on boards. It's like surfin', only on snow instead o' water."

Wildspark looked down the ridge and watched Bluestreak reach the bottom and call back up, "That was great!"

"I told ya it would be! Ya did awesome, Blue!" Jazz shouted a reply. "Come back up an' do it again!" The saboteur then looked at the remaining mechs with him. "Who's goin' next?"

Wildspark looked at the mech-sized boards lined up near the edge of the ridge and carefully brought one closer to him with his foot, testing the board as he moved it back and forth. It slide effortlessly on the snow and Wildspark only felt his curiosity rise further.

"How does one....snowboard exactly?" He asked.

Jazz shared a quick look with the other mechs before stepping forward to demonstrate how one stood on a snowboard, "Like this, 'Spark." The saboteur stood with one foot on the middle-front of the board and his other foot on the back, leaning forward and with his arms stretched out either side of him.

"And what is the purpose of this 'sport'?"

"Ta have fun!" Jazz stepped off the board again.

"I hardly see how falling down a mountain while standing on board is fun." Wildspark replied.


Jazz watched as Wildspark looked back down at the board his foot was on and continued as the scientist slowly got on the board in the same position Jazz had. The other mechs watched as Jazz suddenly grinned widely and pushed the unsuspecting mech of the edge with the board. Wildspark's scream echoed across the mountain as he went.

"Now ya can find out!" Jazz called down.

"Jazz, you do realise that he's going to deactivate you for that, right?" Smokescreen said while Hound nodded in agreement.

"I know." Jazz replied, still smiling. "But now he can't say that he never tries new things!"


story, wildspark, poster: trunks_angel

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