Second character

Sep 22, 2007 19:06

Name: Waterspout
Type: Transformer
Gender: Male
Eyes: Red
Height: 22' - weighs 7 tons (us). Alt mode is 17' tall, 65' long (mostly hollow - it's got a lot of cargo space- accounting for height/length difference in his modes)

Description: Paintjob is orange and white - Coast guard colors and decals. He usually wears a visor. His armor is in overlapping plates, allowing for his greater surface-area in vehicle mode, and very heavy armor in robot mode. His rotor assembly spits in two and sits on his shoulders, with the rotor blades resting on his back. The rotors themselves are 25ft long, and have a sliding hinge that shortens them to calf-length. This does give him problems with most chairs, and makes it uncomfortable to lay on his back. He usually sprawls on his stomach or finds a bench. He can't fly in robot mode, and finds swimming difficult. He can swim in vehicle mode, but has some difficulties maneuvering, seeing as how his 'propellers' are situated on top of him.

Personality: Polite, but can be standoffish. Waterspout gets along better with humans than he does with most transformers. He keeps the conversations with other Cybertronians civil, but isn't particularly found of either faction. He is a bit bitter about his experiences with the two factions, and will avoid them both if he can.

If attacked, he will generally try to run. If hassled, (usually by Decepticons) he's more likely to just shut up and let whoever it is do what they want, and wait for them to get bored with pushing him around and leave. He will defend the person he's trying to rescue, but even then he tries to get them out of the area, rather then staying and fighting. He's not a good fighter, and has no intention of ever learning to be one. His pacifistic tendencies have led to him being called a coward more than once, by members of both factions, and that irritates him a bit.

Towards humans, he's good natured and usually a good sport about being teased. He likes children, and is happy to act as a jungle-gym as long as someone agrees to wash him out afterwards. Children are just so sticky. He finds human culture interesting, particularly the movie industry and maritime history. Music generally bores him, unless it's narrative and tells an interesting story. He also has a mild obsession with pirate movies, and likes to spend his days off sprawled across the floor watching them with his human friends. He's known around the community in both Kodiak and Sitka, and fairly well-liked. Occasionally he gets in trouble by being too blunt or overly-curious, so he's learned to confine his questions to his S&R and mechanic crews, who are used to it and just laugh at him. He doesn't mean to be inconsiderate, but he has little understanding of human social taboos. He's learning, though. Slowly.

Likes: Humans, pirate movies, and history

Dislikes: The vast majority of other Cybertronians, anyone wearing a faction symbol, war

Squicks: Cas is generally unsquickable. I've done plenty of horrible things to the poor guy myself! Feel free to slash/torture/maim/whatever the poor chopper!

Other: Waterspout has a moral objection to both Cybertronian factions - he feels that continuing a war as destructive as the Autobot/Decepticon war is worse then the prospect of living under Decepticon rule. He sympathizes with the Autobot cause, but doesn't get along with most Autobots because of his more controversial viewpoint. Despite the political differences, he's willing to lend aid to anyone - Autobot or Decepticon - that asks for help. The only Autobots he really liked (in RPing AU) were Bluestreak and Skyfire. He found Ratchet to be intimidating, and the twins downright scary. He also has personal space issues - he's fine with people being close as long as they're in front of him, but someone looming behind him gets an instant fear reaction.

First Impressions (PG)
most recent front sketch
From the back

Transformer-specific Details:

Faction: Neutral
Occupation: Search and Rescue, originally field medic on Cybertron

Alternate Mode: HH-60 "Jayhawk" US Coast Guard S&R helicopter. Original Cybertronian alt mode was a hovercraft. He occasionally compares the two - mostly he prefers being a helicopter. He can carry cargo up to half his weight in his hold without difficulty - anything heavier inconveniences him in flying, and usually has to be slung under his belly. The inside of his hold is unarmored, with simple steel plating (standard helicopter interior) separating his circuitry from his cargo area; a fact which makes him leery of hauling strange mechs inside. His speed is decently fast, but not stunningly so... most aircraft, especially anything with jets, can outrun him, but he can outrun most ground vehicles. Top speed is a bit over 200mph, roughly 180 knots.

Tools/Weapons: Capable of using his rotors to whip up winds sufficient to inconvenience jets in the area, particularly if they get below him. Has been known to start waterspouts - hence the name. Actual weaponry is standard lasers, mounted on either arm in robot mode. They're not very powerful, and he's a lousy shot anyway. Especially since he's usually aiming at the ground next to them.

Preferred Generation: He was made for an RP set in a movie/G1 AU, using movieverse rules- i.e. no mass displacement when transforming. His history fits best into G1 or IDW.

History: Waterspout was a combat search and rescue operator on Cybertron, but eventually fled to Earth, encountering a Search and Rescue team in the Bering Sea. He took the Jayhawk as an alt mode and made friends with the Coast Guard workers in Kodiak and Sitka. They were the ones who suggested he apply of political asylum. He was granted refugee status, and now works for the Coast Guard, pulling a salary as a pilot, and a maintenance and fuel budget as a helicopter. He lives on base in Kodiak Alaska, in a converted workshop everyone calls his 'hanger'. Side note: his name in the original Cybertronian translated closer to "Tornado," but having seen a few references on the 'net involving teen girls and horses named Tornado, he refuses to answer to it.

Alt Mode References:
HH-60 Jayhawk

Personal motto: "Answer fear with confidence, anger with patience, and violence with thick armor."

Edited 4/3/08 to add details and a reference fic

waterspout, poster: casusfere, ref: waterspout

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