rooooooll caaaaaall (short round)

Sep 20, 2007 23:54

I'll go ahead and put this up now. It'll stay up until some time in the evening/night of the 23rd, when I'll send out emails and all.

If anyone wants to do a short one-week round at the end of September here, go ahead and sign up. This will be a sort of 'warm-up' round to see how well things flow and all. Epic Works are not expected; sketches and drabbles are fine. I would greatly appreciate it if all work gets turned in on time (before midnight on the 30th), but I won't blacklist anyone if that doesn't happen. Just get those creative juices flowing! :}

In six or seven days I'll be posting another roll call for an official month-long round. Since it'll be in October, would anyone like to do a Halloween-themed round?

SO! Fill out the form below and post it in a comment.

Max Rating:
Art/Stories Okay?:
Theme/plot bunnies (optional):

roll call

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