Attn: trunks_angel I'm finally done with Sonar!

Mar 30, 2009 12:47

Title: Speed Cameras
Characters: Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage, Sonar
Rating: G
Word Count: 1027
Disclaimer: I own neither Mythbusters nor Transformers, and Sonar isn't mine either.
A/N: Written for trunks_angel, crossed over with the show Mythbusters. Fic based on the episode Speed Cameras.
Summary: Sometimes you don't have to take advantage of your alien heritage to kick camera butt.

Sonar - second of the Autobots sparked since the end of the war - restrained the desire to bounce on his wheels and waited. He'd spent time off-duty watching TV, and had fallen in love with the quirky, quasi-scientific show known as 'Mythbusters.' The primary co-hosts had a way of making potentially dull experiments explosively entertaining, and certainly provided thos who watched it with a new idea of the limits of earth-made materials. Out of sheer curiosity, he liked to keep track of the myth submission page, and would supply one or two of his own randomly; sometimes because he was curious, other times because he was dared. He'd signed with Quickstep's name, of course, when he suggested an 'aliens exist' type of myth about cars that drove themselves and turned into robots. Of course, that one never made it onto the show, though he was faintly surprised to see that the government didn't erase it completely. Interesting.

Having created a bot to scan for vehicle myths, he was pinged repeatedly when several people started sending in speed camera myths. He scanned taglines and IP addresses, but near as he could tell none of the suggestions came from his fellows. Intrigued, Sonar followed along - after all, as his name made clear, radar and scans were something of a specialty.

He hacked into the admin part of the community, and when he noted talk of actually testing the radar myths, he dropped a suggestion in the regular side, offering 'his' car to test the 'too fast to photograph' myth. If his creators - or anyone else, for that matter - found out what he was doing he'd probably be turned into a toaster, but it'd be worth it just to know he'd been on the show. He'd happily burn bread until he returned to the matrix just to get that chance.

Finally, his day had come, and he convinced Sam to 'drive' him out to the test track the Mythbusters team was using. He watched as Adam tried to push the Lamborghini Murcielago fast enough. Nope. The professional driver couldn't manage either, though he reached a - moderately - respectful speed of 140 mph. Finally, Sam drove forward a little, Sonar's flashy burgundy and silver paintjob catching the team's attention.

The young man slid out of the driver's seat and grinned at Jamie and Adam's faces. "Hi. I'm Sam. I contacted you about wanting to try my Veyron against your cameras…" He gestured at Sonar. "He is street legal, after all."

Adam beamed. "Oh, yeah." He strode forward, offering a hand to shake. "Nice to meet you, Sam!" He hesitated, eying Sonar with a faintly greedy look, but fidgeting, like he wanted to ask something but wasn't sure he could.

Sam grinned a little. Sonar had been absolutely gleeful about the prospect of being driven by one of the Mythbusters. "I did clear it with my insurance, Mr. Savage. You can try a couple of times." He offered Adam the keys and stepped back with a grand gesture. "Have fun."

Adam practically bounced over to Sonar's side, and Jamie hurried to the camera tech and helped him get set back up for one more set of test runs. Sam slipped into the passenger seat, and the two men buckled up their 5-point harnesses. Adam pulled Sonar up to the starting line, and the younger Autobot shut down his jammers. He was vain enough that the idea of cheating the camera by jamming it felt below him. He'd beat it on his own speed or not at all.

At Jamie's signal, Adam started Sonar off like a shot, and Sonar let him do the driving, absolutely gleeful - and grateful that Adam shifted cleanly, not grinding gears at all. They flashed past the cameras at 150, less than 2/3 of the factory top speed (and less than half of his top speed). From the handling, Sonar figured Adam wanted to get a feel for his handling. As they looped around for another test run, they saw Jamie shaking his head - 150 wasn't enough to beat the cameras. Adam shrugged and pulled up to the starter line again. Sam grinned at him. "He'll go faster, you know. Open him up… I know I love doing it." Granted, Sam 'drove' Bumblebee, but the sentiment was the same. Sam was nearly as much a speed junky as Sonar himself.

Adam grinned, and when Jamie signaled he floor it, shifting faster. Just before they flashed past the camera, Sonar gave himself just a little boost and they flew by at 235 mph. Adam braked - with a little help from Sonar, who didn't want to hit the end of the tarmac for risk of damaging the buff on his hubcaps - and pulled around to sop by Jaime.

"So?" Adam bounced a little in his seat while Jamie and the tech checked the camera again.

"You did it!" It was the most shocked Sonar - or Adam, for that matter - had ever heard Jamie sound, and Adam whooped.

Sam laughed and patted Sonar's dash. He knew Sonar hadn't used his real speed, and also knew that the bot would preen for weeks for choosing such a kick-ass alt-mode. Hell, he could practically feel Sonar preening already, sitting there with Adam Savage in his front seat and his engine pinging as it cooled.

Finally, Adam realized that he had to give the keys back, and handed them to Sam before reluctantly sliding out of the driver's seat. "You, Sam, are a very lucky man.

Sam and Sonar both could hear the unasked questions in Adam's voice, and see the same curiosity in both Jamie and the tech. How did this kid afford a car like this? Why the 'rich man's midlife crisis' car instead of a Camaro or Corvette or Lamborghini? Why in God's name let a pair of special effects geeks take a million dollar car for a joyride? Considering that neither of them had permission to let the team learn about the Autobots, they'd just have to wonder.

Either way, Sonar was still going to be on the show with Adam at the wheel.

Quickstep was going to be so jealous!

poster: darkdanc3r, story, sonar

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