Atten: sister_dear

Mar 30, 2009 12:30

*Zips in under the wire - again* I haz a Chase for you, sweetie! Pleeeeease forgive any major OOC-ness in this - I don't follow any of the crossover fandoms you suggested, but I wanted to do a crossover for you, so I kinda winged it to the best of my knowledge, since SG-1 was the one I was most familiar with. Hope you like it!

He Ain't A Local!

Rating: G

Crossover: Transformers/SG-1

The Stargate finally settled down after opening up yet another portal to an unknown sector of the universe, only the occupants in the large hanger-like bay where the gate was situated were most certainly not settled, both the small ones and the giant fraggin' big one.

"Well, this is unexpected."

It was one of those few occasions when Daniel Jackson completely agreed with Sam and he didn't need to turn to look at Jack to know the man was straightening himself, probably from the surprise and potential threat at just what had come through the gate. Not only was the alien very much larger than them, but it certainly looked more technologically advance and it was undoubtedly some kind of mechanical life form.

For its part, the alien looked just as confused at seeing them as they were of it.

"What the frag am I doing here?!" He declared loudly, looking down at the humans surrounding him. "This isn't Cybertron!"

Daniel made a mental note of the place name the mechanical being had said - perhaps it was the home world of his race? He heard Jack cough low in his throat, gaining the larger being's attention.

"Who the frag are you?" He lowered himself closer to the ground to get a better look at the smaller creatures around him. "What are you?"

"Our race is known as Human Beings, or just Humans for short." Daniel said, taking a step forward despite a narrow-eyed look from Jack. "You're on a planet called Earth."

"Earth? Never heard of the place!" The alien frowned. "I'm meant to be on Cybertron."

"Is that your home world?"

"Yes. I'm a Cybertronian and if you must know, the name's Chase."

"Nice to meet you." Daniel replied in a friendly manner then set about the introductions. "My name is Daniel Jackson and these are my colleagues, Jack O'Neil, Samantha Carter and Teal'c."

Chase looked over each of the introduced humans in turn, still frowning, "You're species is rather small considering you have self-aware intelligence."

"Size ain't all that counts." Jack commented.

"I suppose." Chase shrugged. After a moment where he seemed to pause in thought, his optics narrowed. "Wait, are you organics?"

"I guess you can say we are." Daniel affirmed. "Earth itself is an organic planet, but we-"

"Oh frag, that's just great!" Chase stood up, throwing his arms up in the air with a huff. "I aim for the nearest space bridge to get back to Cybertron and what happens? I end up on a slaggin' organic planet that's primus knows where in the universe!"

"Earth is in the Milky Way galaxy, kid." Jack replied.

"The Milky-what?!" Chase looked confused.

"Nevermind." Sam shook her head. "That isn't a space bridge, it’s a Stargate."

"No its not." Chase countered.

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

"I think you'll find it is."

Daniel glanced at Teal'c, noting his raised eyebrow as he watched the exchange between Sam and Chase in silence. Daniel leaned over to Sam to murmur in her ear.

"Maybe you shouldn't argue with the giant robot."

"Are you sure this isn't a space bridge?" Chase finally asked incredulously.

"Fairly sure."

Chase pondered for a moment, "That....might explain a few things, but it doesn't matter. I need to get back home."

Chase turned around just in time to see the Stargate's portal flicker and fade out. The Cybertronian stood in surprise for a moment or two before banging his head against one edge of the machine.

"This is so not my breem!" He muttered under his breath.

"We'll have to wait for a few hours while the gate recharges itself and then enter in the same co-ordinates." Daniel glanced to his companions.

"Will it send me home?" Chase asked.

"It should take you back to where you started before you entered the gate." Daniel replied. "And while you're here, you could get to know Earth a bit better."

"I could." Chase conceded. There might be valuable and unique things he could sneak back with him to Cybertron. "But I'll need to scan a mode of transportation. You humans do have your own vehicles, right?"

"Er, yes, but why would you need them?"

Chase grinned and without a moment's hesitation, he transformed into his Cybertronian alt mode in front of the stunned humans. He revved his engine smugly.

Daniel looked at Jack, "A giant robot that can transform itself into its own mode of transport. You have to admit, that is kinda cool."

Jack didn't reply, but Daniel was sure he saw a faint smile on the other man's face.


story, poster: trunks_angel, chase

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