Starscream & Prowl - Then and Now (for greycalls)

Mar 10, 2010 23:35

Rare Pairings

Title: Then and Now

Series: None. One Shot.

Rating: PG-13, for violence, language, death. Nothing overtly explicit.

Verse: G1.

Summary: From a prompt, for a meme. A then and now moment between lovers.

Pairings: Prowl & Starscream

Notes: Written in response to graycalls’ meme request:
Prowl/Starscream - “Don’t lie. Not now.”
Hope it lived up to expectations!
Fair warning, not betaed since I wrote it... two hours ago and I didn't want to harass my most awesome Beta, who is already enduring one of my drabbles.
The mistakes... mea culpa!

Then and Now

Prowl cried out, turning his helm away.

‘Embarrassed?’ Starscream asked, looking up from his work.

Prowl didn’t reply, embarrassed to let Starscream see him like this.
Even now, after enjoying many delicious moments with each other, even now Prowl was embarrassed to behave so... So lustfully in front his lover.

‘Ah,’ Starscream cooed. ‘So adorably shy, my little Autobot...’

Prowl couldn’t help himself, the metal of his elegant features heating to a delicate reddish hue as the Seeker’s hands caressed his thighs, digits prising gently but insistently into the SIC’s valve.

Beautiful, Starscream thought, teasing Prime’s SIC once more, enjoying every sound he evoked.

‘Please...’ Prowl gasped. ‘Please stop...’

Primus! Prowl’s logic circuits panicked.
If Prime, if anyone found them here, there would be no mercy for them, not from the Autobots and certainly not from the Decepticons.
It hadn’t been their fault, to fall madly for each other, not their fault at all. It had just happened! They had encountered each other on the battlefield, faced off in bitter combat against one another and...

Prowl couldn't remember who had kissed who first.
All he remembered was their struggling savagely against one another, growing more and more distant from the battlefield until their struggles had changed to caresses, and much more once they were away from the battle.

They risked their very sparks in order to spend what few moments they could together. A mad arrangement between the SICs of both factions, becoming a minute faction, one only for themselves.

‘Starscream...’ Prowl cried out. ‘D-don’t...’

‘Don’t lie.’ Starscream whispered. ‘Not now.’

‘I-’ Prowl uttered.

‘Yes?’ Starscream asked.

‘Don’t stop...’ Prowl replied, optics onlining and fixing on the Seeeker’s. ‘Don’t stop...’

‘Prowl.’ Starscream whispered into Prowl's audio sensors. ‘Tell me what you want, anything you want, everything you want.’

Prowl did, and Starscream complied just as he’d done so many delicious times before they unwillingly parted company, each to his faction, to await the day when the war would end and they could finally be together, at last.

Time passed and the war raged on, grinding both factions under its merciless steel tread until the leader of one faction decided to pursue one wild gambit, one with the highest stakes and the richest rewards if played well.

The gambit, so far, had paid off and now Megatron stood at the bridge of a shuttle that would deliver only doom to Autobot City on Earth, just as an ancient wooden structure had delivered nothing but death upon an Earth city of long ago.

Starscream’s attention however, was not on their victory aboard the shuttle or the threat Megatron posed if he discovered him here, in the shuttle's cargo hold.
His only concern was in his present work.

‘Ah!’ Starscream snarled at the flaring of hot sparks and was about to curse when he remembered where he was. It was too dark to see but he persevered, enhancing the aperture of his optics sensors in order to absorb more light. When that didn’t prove enough he diverted additional power to illuminate his optics, causing them to glow with enough brightness so he could continue his desperate work.

Work damn you! Starscream cursed mentally, connecting what he could of systems, bypassing charred or destroyed components in order to restore some semblance of...Primus, so much damage from one blast!
Please let this work! He begged, connecting the last circuits he could identify.

His spark flashed with hope as the other’s optics flickered once, then a second time and colour began to return to the deathly grey armour. Return but not quite, no more than a vague wash of the once pristine white and deep black.

‘St-‘ Prowl’s vocaliser crackled.

‘Shhh...’ Starscream placed a digit to his lover’s lips. ‘Megatron is near.’ He whispered as softly as possible. ‘Stay quiet if you value your spark.’

Prowl’s optics onlined fully and he nodded lightly in acknowledgement.
He was alive, but something was wrong, his systems were registering massive damage and power loss to vital components.

He looked to Starscream, the Seeker smiling both happy and nervously, looking about him constantly, his optics the only source of illumination in the deep darkness.
We must be in the cargo area, Prowl thought. Yes, Megatron wouldn’t leave bodies floating in space, they could be found, giving the game away.

‘The others?’ Prowl asked weakly, unable to see anything or anyone but Starscream. ‘Did-‘

‘No.’ Starscream shook his helm.

Primus. Prowl’s optics offlined. Ratchet, Ironhide, Brawn, all gone.
Autobot City was next if he didn’t do something.
He tried to move and something inside him sent emergency signals through his central processors.
Shutdown was imminent, but he couldn’t detect any signal from his stasis chip. With a damaged or destroyed stasis chip there would be no stasis lock. His spark would fade, he would perish.

Starscream panicked as a violent surge of energon burst from Prowl’s lips, staining the Seeker’s and Prowl’s armour with bright spatter.

‘Prowl!’ Starscream realised something vital had failed inside Prowl’s energon distribution systems but he had no way of knowing what, he was no medic and had no one to turn to. There was nothing he could do except try to keep Prowl alive until they reached Autobot City.
He’d think of something then, some way to deliver Prowl back into Prime’s fold.

‘You’ll be all right.’ Starscream whispered desperately, wiping energon from Prowl’s face and armour. ‘We’ll arrive soon, then I-I’ll get you back to Prime somehow. He’ll have you repaired, good as new.’

Prowl smiled sadly.

‘Starscream.’ Prowl spoke, reaching out and touching Starscream’s features. ‘Don’t lie. Not now.’

‘I...‘ Starscream was forced to look away. He wouldn’t let Prowl see him acting so pathetically. He was able to fake his emotions in Megatron's presence, but never in front of his lover. he couldn't conceal the pain coursing through his spark.
‘Megatron said the crew would be taken prisoner,' Starscream murmured. 'Held hostage in case Prime tried... He said...’

‘It’s all right.’ Prowl spoke.

‘How can you say that?!’ Starscream hissed.

‘It’s all right, because I was able to see you one last time.’ Prowl smiled.

Starscream bowed his helm and placed it against Prowl’s ruined chest casing, trying to control his emotions; he wouldn’t let Prowl’s final thoughts be a memory of him like this, not like this.

He failed, his entire frame trembling as his spark dimmed in despair.
Prowl was moved by the tender gesture, reaching out and holding Starscream to him.

‘My beautiful Screamer.’ Prowl spoke, stroking the Seeker’s helm. ‘So temperamental. What will become of you?’

‘Prowl.’ Starscream’s spark cried out as Prowl’s spark fluttered and his armour began to grow cold. He looked up and was horrified to see the colour beginning to fade from Prowl’s armour.

‘Here,’ Prowl led Starscream’s lips to his, feeling his spark about to fade at any astrosecond, ‘before I go, kiss me good night.’

‘I will see you again.’ Starscream spoke, his voice low and tremulous.

‘Until then.’ Prowl smiled, offlining his optics, feeling the warmth of Starscream’s lips so close to his, beckoning to him.

‘Good night.’ Starscream whispered, offlining his optics and plunging the storage room into darkness as his lips met Prowl’s in one final, gentle kiss.


method: tactile, starscream, non-challenge fic, continuity: g1, rated: pg/k+, author: v_for_vincent, prowl

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