Metroplex & Scamper - Not Without You

Mar 10, 2010 08:06

Title: Not Without You

Series: None. One Shot.

Rating: NC-17 and higher.

WARNINGS: Sticky, tentacles.
If the idea of giant alien robots interacting in very adult situations is offensive PLEASE DO NOT READ.

Verse: G1, G1 and IDW for time keeping.

Summary: Love comes in all shapes and sizes.

Pairings: Metroplex x Scamper

Notes: Written a while ago but I had been rather lazy and failed to post it.
Many, many thanks to my awesome, awesome LJ Beta, uptherabbithole , for looking over this drabble and whipping it into some coherence.

Thanks to everyone who reads my drabble. I'm glad it's corrupting minds as Primus intended.

Klik - 1.2 minutes (IDW)

Cycle - 1.25 hours (from IDW)

Decacycle - 3 weeks (from IDW)

Quartex - 1 Earth month (G1)

Astrosecond - from G1, approx. .498 seconds

//internal communications//

Not Without You

Scamper cried out in the throes of wild pleasure, hands thrown over his head as he clasped a fragment of his partner, hips undulated to every pleasured assault his lover provided.

He was in control, his partner had reassured him again and again and yet... he felt nothing belonged to him, nothing at all.
Everything he was, his frame, his spark, his being. Everything belonged to the other mech.

His lover was all around him, clasping him tightly, lovingly and possessively, enveloped about his spike, caressing, squeezing, devouring him with each thrust.
He was deep inside him, exerting pressure within his valve, adhering to sensitive nodes and causing Scamper to groan madly.

To a passerby the scene taking place within the cell would have been one of horror: Heavy, thick mechanical conduits resembling a mass of metallic and translucent tentacles emerging from a central hub above his berth, each capable of taking apart cybertanium steel, each holding him fast, enveloping his waist, his legs, his body, possessing every segment; each was a part of his lover, even the one he held on to fiercely in an attempt to maintain some sense of himself.

He could feel him, the extensions of his lover drawing his legs apart, thrusting gently but firmly, stimulating every sensory node as they invaded his body, the conduits narrowing, tapering to micron thin width as they pierced through him, through his armour, invading every internal system.

It was a terrifying situation to be in, his body invaded, driven to the edge of such pleasure he'd never known and most likely would never know with another, all in the knowledge that if his partner ever lost control the impossibly minute tendrils inside him would expand to their normal size and tear him apart like tinfoil.

Scamper had stopped caring long ago, the moment they had agreed to do this.
His partner kept offering reassurance, offering to extinguish his own spark before Scamper came to any harm.

His presence, his strength. Scamper was losing himself in the vastness and all the pleasure offered. It was overwhelming, too much for all at once!

'Stop...' Scamper gasped suddenly, 'please...'

The pleasured assault ceased immediately and Scamper was left panting furiously, internal cooling systems unable to cope with the massive rise in internal temperature.
He would melt, he was sure of it. His spark would explode and he would happily melt in his partner's loving grasp.
How long had it been since it began? A klik? A cycle? A decacycle? A quartex?
Did it even matter?

Not to his lover. So vast, time as perceived by Scamper meant nothing to him.
He was... him: colossal, impervious, a formidable warrior.
And so very alone.

Scamper gasped as his lover moved inside him but not like before.
He was gentle, tendrils accessing his internals' most delicate circuitry, signaling deep concern over his state.

It's all right, Scamper signaled mentally, attempting to ease his mind. I'm all right.

His lover's mind, so fragile when compared with his other attributes. It was odd to think someone so powerful and nigh indestructible could suffer from so much self doubt.
Scamper tried to reassure him, projecting all the love and desire contained within his spark, reaching out with his energy field in the hope he could feel it.
Would he feel it? Scamper asked himself? Would his partner feel all the love and warmth his minute spark radiated just for him?

Much to his joy his partner responded and Scamper's quarters were flooded by the wonderful aura of his lover's spark. So much love! Scamper was enveloped in it, held safely by its warmth as if held in his arms.

His lover flashed concern again and attempted to aid his cooling systems by reducing the temperature in his quarters.

's...alright...' Scamper barely managed to speak, sensing his partner's distress.

Scamper knew that despite his lover's power, despite his invaluable skills to the Autobot forces he was amongst the humblest and most dedicated of Prime's warriors.
His optics fixed on the security cameras staring down on him, the crimson optics focusing on him. Scamper wasn't concerned, knowing it was only his lover witnessing his pleasure.

'Metroplex...' Scamper sighed.

A brief tremor rocked the cell.
Just a nervous shudder as Metroplex heard his name called in adoration.
So this is what its like to be loved by a city, Scamper thought with a smile.

'I want you.' Scamper seized the nearest conduit and clenched it tightly, feeling it pulsing in his hands, as did the ones enveloped around him. They pulsed to every beat of Metroplex's spark and lasercore, every pulsation was for him alone.

Scamper cried out as Metroplex moved once more, around him, inside him.
It wasn't long before Scamper overloaded violently, his overload greeted by a quake that rocked everything around him, followed by a momentary lapse of power so the conduits enveloping him froze, holding him fast in absolute darkness.

Scamper's spark shuddered, suddenly terrified Metroplex would lose control. The lights returned and the conduits pulsated with life once more, relieving Scamper's fears.

He smiled with satisfaction in the knowledge Metroplex had derived as much pleasure from their union as he. A gasp escaped his lips as Metroplex withdrew from him gently, reluctantly, lubricants and transfluid trailing the slender conduit as it receded into the central hub above, allowing Scamper's interface panel to slide shut.

//Thank you.// Metroplex signaled via their private comm instead of the communications hub in Scamper's quarters.

'No need to go all shy.' Scamper smiled. 'I'm glad you enjoyed it. He spoke, happy but weary.
Metroplex's demands, while pleasurable, placed great strain on his power levels.
But so worth it, he thought.

Metroplex signaled concern while the nearest conduit traced the curve of Scamper's lips and delivered a gentle caress.

'I'll be all right. Just... need rest...' Scamper groaned softly, 'I...'

His words remained unfinished as his recharge cycle initiated without warning.

"Scamper?" Metroplex's voice filled the room.

Scamper's optics onlined.

'...M'okay...' Scamper barely managed. For some reason his power cells were registering very low charge. Something must have disturbed his recharge cycle.
He needed to go on patrol, make a report to Ultra Magnus.

He groaned softly as Metroplex moved about him, the colossal Autobot was still about him, holding him gently all this time while Scamper recharged.

"You have been in recharge mode for several cycles." Metroplex offered gently but concerned.

'Cycles?' Scamper asked startled. It felt like no time had passed at all and he checked his internal chronometers. 'Holy Primus! I... I was due on patrol almost eight cycles ago!'

"I detect there is something wrong." Metroplex offered. "Your energy cells are recharging very slowly, below acceptable recharge time."

'I'm not reading anything.' Scamper spoke, dazed and underpowered. 'All sensors register...' He fell silent.

"Scamper?" Metroplex asked and received no reply. "Scamper?!" He asked again.

'... what happened?' Scamper asked. 'I... I'm so tired...'

"Remain still." Metroplex spoke. "I shall investigate."

'Wait...' Scamper grew afraid as Metroplex's presence receded, the conduits releasing him, laying him down gently atop the berth as they withdrew into the central hub above.

''Plex!' Scamper cried, suddenly feeling horribly alone, unprotected from the room's cold.

"I'm here." Metroplex spoke from the hub.

Scamper looked and was shocked to see a tall figure descend from it, identical to Metroplex in form if not scale, wires and cables trailing from the back of his helm to the central hub.

"Scamper." The figure spoke in Metroplex's voice and stood at the foot of the berth.

''Plex?' Scamper asked. Is... is that you? The real you?'

"No." Metroplex replied through the figure. "This is a scale simulacrum of my real self. I create these at will when required, in order to conduct more delicate repair work the service drones are unable to perform. The real me is all around you."

The simulacrum looked so much like Metroplex's real form Scamper couldn't help but be amazed.
At the same time he was curious.

"Do not be afraid." The simulacrum's digits produced a minute tendril that reached for Scamper's chest casing.

'I...' Scamper looked to it, afraid for some reason.
He'd never feared them, why was he afraid now?

"Scamper." Metroplex spoke. "I need to access your systems in order to pinpoint the reason for your recharge malfunction. At the rate your recharge systems are failing you will undergo stasis in less than a cycle."

'I... it's just,' Scamper volunteered. 'It doesn't feel the same.' He reached out and seized the tendril with gentle hands, allowing it to wrap itself around his digits. 'I know it's a part of you, but seeing, well, YOU standing there, it's not the same as you being all around me.' He snorted, 'I guess you wouldn't understand.'

"I'm here." Metroplex spoke simultaneously from the simulacrum, from the central hub above his berth, from the communications hub on the adjacent console. "I am here, all around you. Do not be afraid."

Scamper looked to the room, to the security cameras fixed on him, Metroplex's optics, all fixed on him alone.

"Please let me access your systems. I do not wish you to come to any harm because of me."

'A-all right.' Scamper reclined and made to open his chest casing.

"There is no need." Metroplex spoke, the simulacrum leaning over Scamper as it placed one hand over the nervous Autobot's casing, the hand spreading into a billion filaments that invaded Scamper's internal systems.

Scamper felt them run through his internals and for some reason he began to panic.

"Please remain still." Metroplex spoke. "I am presently conducting a scan."

''Plex?' Scamper asked.


'Stay with me?' Scamper asked shyly.

"I am with you." The simulacrum nodded.

'I mean, like this.' Scamper spoke, taking the simulacrum's hand. 'I... I need to get used to you, this part of you.'

It was strange seeing a scaled down version of Metroplex and see nothing of the Autobot in it at all. Scamper couldn't get used to it staring blankly at him, past him. It was only a drone after all, like Slammer, something Metropex had constructed but not him.

He remembered the reason why Metroplex had constructed Slammer.
Not the reason he'd given Ultra Magnus but the real reason: Because he was lonely.
Unfortunately Slammer had no real personality of his own, it was only a drone.

And along came Six-Gun and me, Scamper recalled.
Six-Gun treated Metroplex like, well, like everyone else did.
Not me, Scamper thought. I saw right through all the armour and found him.
He smiled, recalling the first time he'd offered to interface and Metroplex had sounded positively stunned by the offer. For a gigantic warrior he was certainly adorably innocent.

"Scamper?" Metroplex asked. "What are you thinking?"

'Nothing particularly important.' Scamper offered. 'Found anything so far?'

"Yes. I've detected the nature of the problem." Metroplex spoke, the simulacrum's tendrils withdrawing and converting into a hand once more. "A disengaged component within the energy processors. I'm at fault. It seems one of my tendrils accidentally disconnected it during interfacing. I've corrected the problem, you may initiate proper recharge at any time."

'Thanks.' Scamper smiled.

"I'm sorry." Metroplex apologized. "It's my fault-"

'Hey,' Scamper smiled not at the simulacrum but at the hub above, 'I'm all right.'

"May I..." The simulacrum spoke, reaching for Scamper, "touch you?"

'You just did.' Scamper laughed.

"No." The simulacrum spoke. "I mean, like before."

'Oh.' Scamper thought about it. 'Well, I suppose it'll be all right.'

"You sound reluctant.' Metroplex offered.

'It's just... nothing, really.' He did his best to smile and held the simulacrum's hand. 'Nothing you can't fix...'

Scamper did find their second interlude pleasurable, but it wasn't the same, it didn't feel the same.
Metroplex was loving, passionate, but... it just wasn't the same!
Scamper threatened to overload much sooner than he'd expected, his flaring spark reached out to the simulacrum's chest casing and found only emptiness.

''Plex!!' Scamper cried out, suddenly terrified of the simulacrum above him.

"I'm here." The simulacrum spoke.

'No!' Scamper struggled to free himself, 'It's not you!'

"Don't be-"

'I need you!' Scamper's systems resisted overload, his spark shuddering.

His fears eased as the simulacrum moved away from him. Scamper looked up and saw a tendril descend, watched as it wrapped itself about him.

''Plex...' Scamper smiled with joy, feeling the warmth of it, felt it pulsate to Metroplex's spark. 'I don't know what I'd do without you...'

"Likewise." Metroplex reciprocated.

Scamper forgot all fears and, soothed by Metroplex's presence, allowed his recharge cycle to initiate.

He emerged from recharge and was glad to find himself at full power once more.
He'd missed one patrol and Six-Gun was most likely panicking, wondering what had happened to him. Still, he was glad to find the conduit still wrapped about him, it's warmth soothing.

"Stay." Metroplex spoke, holding him tightly. "Don't go."

'Both you and me know I have to.' Scamper smiled, stroking the conduit. 'Otherwise Magnus will be calling every astrosecond. The same for Six-Gun. I bet he's-'

"He has already attempted contact, several times in fact. I've ordered Six-Gun to remain in weapons mode until you... recovered, but Ultra Magnus has been more insistent."

'Primus!' Scamper groaned miserably. 'Six-Gun's all right but Ultra Magnus! Let me guess: "Metroplex? Report why Scamper failed to conduct perimeter patrol? And blah blah blah!". Am I right?'

"Everything except the blah portions, yes." Metroplex replied with a tinge of humour. "I reported you were experiencing recharge problems and would be back online soon."


"Should I have added something else?"

'Did he ask about the mini quake and the power failure after?' Scamper asked with a grin. 'You didn't tell him-'

"Seismic activity." Metroplex spoke.

'Sneaky!' Scamper laughed.

"Ultra Magnus need not know of our... personal business. We can trust Six-Gun but Ultra Magnus might have objections. He might try to take you away from me."

'I don't think he'd do much about it, about us. I mean, this is Magnus.' Scamper chortled. 'He'd be like: "Uhuh... So, you and Scamper were having a great interface... I see... how many times in a row?... Really? And the power went out when you overloaded... Well, make sure he's back on duty soon, keep me up to date and send me a full report by tomorrow. Magnus out."'

Scamper braced himself against the berth as the room rocked with Metroplex's laughter.

"Ultra Magnus would never say that!" Metroplex laughed.

'Trust me, he would. Please let me up.'

The conduit lifted him to his feet and receded, allowing Scamper to check all joints and internal systems, finding them fully functional. He was very pleased with himself until he looked down and saw the mess of silver transfluid streaking his armoured thighs.

"May I recommend the scrubbers before going on patrol?" Metroplex spoke with amusement, opening doorways for Scamper in a direct path to the scrubbing units.

'Lead the way 'Plex!' Scamper smiled. 'Just,' he spoke, looking back not to the simulacrum still standing away from the berth but at the large conduit, taking it in hand. 'Just one thing.'


'Never go away, alright?' Scamper asked, burying his face against Metroplex's conduit.

"Yes." Metroplex, replied gently.

'Thank you.' Scamper smiled. 'The mini you is nice to look at but... but it's not the same without you.'


rated: nc17/ma, method: tactile, method: sticky, continuity: g1, author: v_for_vincent

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