Title: How the Mighty Have Fallen
Continuity: Animated
Rating: K+
Summary: I won't hold you back; let your anger rise. And we'll fly. And we'll fall. And we'll burn.
Prompt: Sentinel/Slipstream: My Captive
Disclaimer: All of Transformers belongs to Hasbro.
Here's my response to the really weird yet really inspiring pairing of Sentinel / Slipstream. Because love can change even the hardest of hearts sparks. :D
Questions? Comments? Incoherent ramblings? Let me know in the comment section below, and thank you!!!!
EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">He woke up alone.
This wasn’t the first time she had managed to break out of his embrace. But in this place, she was Magnus, not him. She knew how many solar cycles had passed since she captured him (two orbital cycles in Decepticon ‘territory’, last time they talked). She controlled the ship. She could strand him on some deserted planet to offline, and he deserved it.
At one point, they were nothing but strangers: Autobot and Decepticon. Captive and Captor. Mech and Femme. Then she talked about finding her ‘brother’ Skywarp, and how much she missed him, threatening to beat the slag out of him should he ever tell another soul. He told her about his last lady love he lost. Even the part where she defaced to the opposing faction.
Their reasoning: They were strangers. Enemies. They wouldn’t tell other bots. No bot needed to know. It would cause problems. Then the biggest of his problems arose:
He never loved another the way he loved Slipstream.
That alone labeled this wrong. How they got there: wrong. The way their relationship worked: WRONG WRONG WRONG. He loved her and she knew it and she was using him. Insanity.
She probably didn’t even love him for real. No interface, no joining of sparks, yes, but the way she treated him. Verbal abuse one klik. Curling up on his berth with him the next klik. Angry words. Sweet embraces. Feeling good. Feeling used. Pleasure. Pain.
And Sentinel kept falling.