Weekly Request Post and Prompts

Oct 14, 2012 16:57

First! Fills from last week!

ghostmotive Mental Revenge BW: Tarantulus/Blackarachnia rejected

naboru_narluin    Poker  SG AU Hotspot/Streetwise silence

Second! The Challenge is coming to a close! Still over a day to squeak them in.

Third!  New prompts for this week:

"Times New Roman"">TFPrime:
Arial;color:black">Ratchet/Bulkhead:  hold still
Arial;color:black">Knock Out/Soundwave:  Do you know what I know?
Arial;color:#222222;background:white">Smokescreen/Bulkhead: Let me make it up to you.
mso-bidi-font-family:Arial;color:#222222">Arcee/Smokescreen: truce
Arial;color:#222222;background:white">KnockOut / Arcee: Ultimatumcolor:#222222"> 
Dreadwing / Arcee:  What Lies Beneath

Arial;color:black">Beast Wars:
Rattrap/Terrorsaur: hijacking

Fort Maximus/Overlord: does this hurt?
Arial;color:#222222;background:white">Blurr/Springer:  How did you know?
color:#222222">Wing/Drift: I've seen all your demons
Sunstreaker/Hot Rod: Regret nothing

mso-bidi-font-family:Arial;color:black">Shattered Glass
Arial;color:black">Sideswipe/Cliffjumper: it's not right
color:black">Optimus Prime/Jazz -savage
Wing/Drift: lessons in pain

mso-bidi-font-family:Arial;color:#222222">Jazz/Bluestreak- Spinning my wheels
Sunstreaker/Prowl- Say it like you mean it

Arial;color:#222222;background:white">Barricade/Ironhide - honesty and honor
color:#222222">Ratchet/Blackout - "Stop squirming"
Soundwave/Carly--magic carpet ride
Mikaela/Wheelie and/or Brains--Mechanical Goddess

Ratchet/Optimus - bad attitude
Sari/Megatron - why
Arial;color:#222222;background:white">Ratchet/Wreck-Gar--We seem to be missing some pieces
mso-bidi-font-family:Arial;color:#222222">Scrapper/Snarl--Going Fishing
Arial;color:black">Cheetor/Sideswipe: on the case

Hope these inspire and mmouse15, for whom I'm standing in, has a great time!

weekly request roundup, weekly request post

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