Consort 4: Vector Speaks by
femme4jackRating: NC-17
Continuity: AU Multi-continuity Fusion Madness (in other words I’m picking and choosing stuff I like and totally making slag up)
Characters & Pairings: Optimus Prime x Mirage, Jazz, Prowl, Ratchet, Vector Prime
Summary: Optimus is visited by an ancient Prime he has never encountered before.
Notes:For White Aster for her winning bid on the FandomAid Help Somalia Auction on livejournal. Thanks for the delicious prompt and for your generosity! Dialog dialog dialog. So much f-ing dialog this chapter. But the weird multiverse bunnies that I thought I had successfully caged last chapter actually were breeding and insisted on having their merry way this chapter.
Chapter Warnings: not nearly enough smut (mech/mech oral, sticky), references past valve injury sustained during interfacing of very dubious consent, references noncon fantasy.
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