
Sep 08, 2009 22:38


Okay, first of all, I hope this is what the requester wanted.  This pairing and prompt isn't exactly the sort of thing I normally write, so it was a real challenge.  I don't usually get very graphic either, so I hope it's hot enough in some way.


Sam hadn’t realised how exhausted he was until he had the chance to sit down.  The deck of the warship wasn’t exactly comfortable, but at that moment a pile of rocks would have been fine by him as long as there were no Decepticons, government officials or freaked out parents, roommates or girlfriends to deal with.

He leaned against the low wall behind him, and brushed off a patch of sand on his jeans.  Getting everyone out of Egypt and back onto American soil had been the top priority, so there hadn’t been enough time to have a shower or replace his torn and blood-stained clothes.

He fiddled with a small brownish-red patch on his shirt.  Technically he had been dead for over a minute, but now there wasn’t a scratch on him.  It was more than a little disturbing to see his own blood still staining his clothes, especially when there was now no wound to accompany it.

A shadow loomed over Sam, and he looked up to see Optimus looking down at him.  There was a strange look on the Autobot leader’s face, and he seemed uncharacteristically twitchy.  It took a moment, but Sam soon realised that Optimus was nervous.

The large mech looked directly at Sam then, blue optics, shining like a pair of brilliant blue sapphires, met with Sam’s eyes, and as always, the human felt somehow lacking.  What possible reason could such an awe-inspiring being have to be nervous around him?

“Sam,” Optimus’s deep voice rumbled.  “May I speak with you?”

“Sure,” Sam answered with a shrug.  He had been hoping to avoid his human companions, but Optimus was another matter entirely.  After all that had happened, he had been expecting some sort of talk with the Prime.  Might as well get it over and done with, even if it wasn’t going to be the most awkward or difficult conversation he had been a part of over the past week.

“Sam,” Optimus said again.  He paused for a moment, looking around at the deck before sitting down opposite the human as slowly and gently as he could.  The action still shook the ship a little and Sam couldn’t help but grin.

“There is much that I need to say to you.”

“Go right ahead.”  Optimus looked this way and that once more, and Sam knew that he was still nervous.

“The most obvious and important thing first then,” Optimus said, forcing himself to look directly at Sam.  “Thank you once again.  If it was not for your bravery and self sacrifice then I would not be online.”

Sam moved an arm up to rub at the back of his neck sheepishly, trying to act all cool about it.  “Eh, it’s nothing.  I mean, not nothing, but I just had to do it, you know?”

“You could have given up.  But you did not.  You are braver than you know Sam, and much more important than you know, to all of us.”

Sam could sense that the mech was becoming more nervous now, almost as though he was working up to something big.  Optimus shuffled closer then, and leaned down so that his optics weren’t much higher than Sam’s face and only a few feet away.

“What is it?” Sam barely whispered.

“The Matrix chose you Sam.  That is no small event.  You are now an honorary Prime, and as such have become a leader of our race.”

“What?!  Me, lead you guys!?” Sam pressed back against the wall, heart thumping in a mix of excitement and panic.  “No no no no no no no.”

“You do not have to lead,” Optimus responded, pressing one large finger to Sam’s shoulder in what was probably meant to be a comforting gesture.  “I would not thrust that responsibility upon you.  I would not have the right.  However, our people, me included, will look to you as a symbol of hope and authority.  If there is anything you ever need then you only have to ask.”

Sam wasn’t panicking any more, but he was certainly still stunned.  He glanced up to find Optimus watching him closely, looking him all over as though searching for something, but more than likely just checking to make sure that Sam would be all right.

“I mean it Sam.  Today you saved your world and possibly the universe... and me.  If there is anything that you ever want that is within my power then I would be willing to give it to you.”

Sam thought for a moment before shaking his head.  “Right now all I want is to relax, and then eventually get a shower and some clean clothes.”

Optimus Prime paused for a moment as though thinking about something, before looking Sam directly in the eye once more.

“Perhaps I can help you with the first at least.”

Sam wondered what Optimus meant, but didn’t have much time to contemplate it as two large hands wrapped gently around his body and picked him up off the ground.  Sam had been in the large Autobot’s hands before, but then it had been in a life or death situation and the mech hadn’t had time for tenderness or contemplation; there was something comforting now about the hard metallic touch, and though he could sense the strength behind the movement, he knew that Optimus was being as gentle as possible.

Optimus shifted carefully to lie on his back, still holding Sam in his hands.  Sam really began to wonder what the Autobot leader had in mind then, but trusted Optimus and didn’t question it as the large mech sat Sam down on top of his chest, one hand still lingering at Sam’s back in case the young human should slip.

The hand at his back stroked Sam gently, and he shuddered as his shirt hitched up, allowing the cold metal to brush against the skin beneath.  Sam looked down to see Optimus still watching him carefully, as though he was afraid how the young human would react.

“What are you doing?” Sam asked, ashamed at how weak his voice sounded.

“Helping you to relax,” Optimus frowned and stopped stroking Sam’s back for a moment.  “Forgive me Sam.  Am I doing something inappropriate?  I am afraid that my lack of experience with your race is far too telling.”

Sam contemplated it for a moment.  Well it did feel nice.  Where was the harm in simply enjoying the Autobot’s attentions for a little bit.  It was just like a massage, right?

“Ah, it’s okay I guess,” Sam said with a shrug, smiling when he felt the gentle stroking motion at his back return.  “I just, you know, I’ve been through so much since I met you guys that I wasn’t sure whether something weird was going to happen.”

Optimus chuckled then, and Sam felt the large frame beneath him shudder.

“Do not worry Sam,” Optimus said, smiling now, and Sam couldn’t help but think how welcome a sight that smile was.  “I promise I will not do anything you do not wish me to.  In fact, as I owe you my life, I will gladly do anything that you wish of me.”

Optimus’s hands both moved to support the young human again and he leaned up to gently press the closest thing he had to a mouth against Sam’s forehead.

Sam pulled away from the gesture almost as soon as he felt the metal brush his skin.

“What the hell?” he screamed; shuffling back only to press against Optimus’s cradling hands.

“I’m sorry Sam,” Optimus said.  “I understood that particular gesture signified affection in your culture.  Am I wrong?”

Sam looked at Optimus and realised the mech was worried again, but more than that, hurt by Sam’s rejection.

Sam sighed, and shuffled a little to get more comfortable.

“No, that’s right.  It’s just... not something two uh... friends like us would usually do, you know?”

Optimus watched Sam carefully as he returned to stroking Sam’s back.  “Forgive me.  Your customs are still so new to me.”

“It... it’s all right,” Sam said as he began to relax into the touch once more.  “Just took me by surprise, that’s all.”

Optimus’s thumb crept beneath Sam’s shirt again, and Sam surprised himself by letting out a small moan at the touch.  Damn it, Optimus’s fingers just felt so nice on his skin.  One thing was for sure; it was certainly helping him relax.  Sam felt his eyes flutter closed, and he leaned back into the large metal hands.

“Er... could you maybe,” Sam paused, unsure of whether asking any more of Optimus would be okay.  The Autobot leader had acted like he wanted to do something to repay Sam though, so feeling very greedy, Sam made a tiny request of the Prime.

“Just a little lower?”

Optimus’s hand moved as the human had instructed, and Sam let out a happy sigh.

“Yeah.  That’s perfect,” he said as he pressed back against the touch.  The metal beneath him rumbled slightly and Sam opened his eyes once more to see Optimus staring at him with complete joy and adoration.  The look was both flattering and terrifying at the same time.

The metal beneath him was still rumbling softly, and Sam wondered why.  He pressed his hands to Optimus’s chest, running them gently over the metal, marvelling when he felt the vibrations beneath grow more intense with his touch.

He realised his lower body was beginning to react to the vibrations, and felt more than a little ashamed.  The touch at his back certainly wasn’t helping either, and he let out another moan, this one born from shame and frustration as well as pleasure.

“Sam,” Optimus’s voice was low and husky, and Sam wondered why he had never noticed how nicely it rumbled before.  “Are you all right?” The Autobot’s free hand came up so he could gently rest one finger against Sam’s cheek in a comforting gesture.  If Optimus had noticed Sam’s arousal then he had chosen not to comment on it.

Sam wanted to say something that would put both himself and Optimus at ease, but blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

“Why are you shaking like that?”

Optimus paused, obviously surprised and perhaps a little embarrassed by the question.

“That is simply my body expressing pleasure,” Optimus replied.  “I barely realised I was doing it.  I’m sorry.  If it bothers you then perhaps we should stop.”

Sam’s mind and body began to fight with one another.  This was getting so messed up.  He could feel his groin pulsing, his arousal only growing with the knowledge that Optimus was enjoying the simple act of petting him.  Had Optimus even meant it in the same way as him though?  Did Autobots even have these kinds of urges?

“Sam?” Optimus was still looking at him, waiting for an answer.  The rumbling had stopped, and Sam immediately missed it.

“This is so wrong,” Sam stated.

Optimus looked more worried than ever now, but as Sam leaned down and pressed a kiss to his windshield, the mech’s face lit up and he let out a happy groan.

Sam’s hands traced over the glass and metal eagerly, still feeling a little weird but pushing those stubborn thoughts to the back of his mind as he traced his hands over every piece of plating and exposed mechanics.

Optimus let out a high-pitched keen as his hand brushed over a certain piece of metal buried beneath the main outer plating.  The noise sounded more like a burst of static than an actual voice, and Sam grinned widely as the rumble returned, stronger than before.

“Optimus,” Sam whispered.  “Could you touch me again?”

The Autobot didn’t reply with words, simply bringing both of his hands up to stroke the boy instead, one hand at his front and the other at his back, both immediately dipping under the torn short to caress Sam’s skin directly.

Sam groaned and rubbed his rear against the mech’s chest, pants now feeling tighter than ever.  He turned his head and pressed a kiss to the nearest of Optimus’s fingers, sighing in pleasure as he did so.  When he realised he had stopped caressing Optimus in return he began again, hands slipping beneath the outer plating as far as possible to brush against whatever they could find under the smooth metal.

“Is... is this okay?” he asked, a little breathlessly.

“Oh... Yes Sam,” Optimus said in a voice equally as lust-laden as Sam’s own.  “This is more than all right.”

Sam’s hand grabbed something wiry and pliable, and Optimus let out a happy scream, body arching up off the deck of the ship.

“Oh... Sam!  Yes!  I’m all yours.  Sam!  Please!”

Sam looked down at Optimus’s face, contorted beautifully in bliss, and felt himself shudder.  There was something so intoxicating about this; having Optimus at his mercy.  He still felt a little guilty, but less so now that he knew how much Optimus was enjoying it as well.

He stroked the same bundle of wires again, and was rewarded with a similar reaction as Optimus moaned and writhed under him, static-laced voice crying out garbled pleas to Sam in both English and Cybertronian.

Sam stopped touching Optimus for long enough to unzip his trousers and pull them down around his knees.  Optimus seemed to know what Sam wanted without being told, and his touches moved lower accordingly, one finger moving to stroke between his legs in a touch that went all the way from his arse to the tip of his erection with each stroke, and which soon had Sam writhing and mewling as enthusiastically as the Autobot.

“Sam!  SAM!” came the cries of the mech below him, and Sam pressed one more passionate kiss to one of Optimus’s fingers in response.

The rumble of Optimus’s frame beneath him was louder than that of his truck engine now, and it let out a roar each time Sam caressed a particularly sensitive spot inside him, the vibration of the roar travelling up through Sam’s body and increasing the human’s arousal as well.

Sam was so close now.  He could feel it, and a small part of him still couldn’t believe that he was doing this with Optimus, but the rest of him was too lost in pleasure to care.

He soon came with a cry, his hand tightening around the bundle of wires he had found as he did, bringing Optimus to a finish along with him.

The mech’s frame shook violently beneath Sam, white organic fluid spurted onto Optimus’s hand, and a static-laced cry and high-pitched human moan echoed across the deck.

Sam collapsed on top of Optimus’s chest, panting and mumbling incoherently.

“Oh Primus Sam,” Optimus whispered as he resumed his gentle stroking of Sam’s back from earlier.

Sam simply groaned happily, not wanting to move at all just yet.

“Sam?” Optimus called when after a couple of minutes the human still hadn’t stirred.  “Are you all right?”

“Yeah,” Sam sighed.  “I’m great.  You?”

Optimus chuckled.  “Wonderful,” he replied.  “Thank you Sam.  I had not done anything like that in far too long.  Your small organic hands are particularly talented.  That truly was amazing.”

Sam was flattered, and still on a high from what had been an unexpected but incredibly satisfying little interlude.  He sobered up quickly however as he remembered that they were still on the deck of the ship, in plain sight for anyone to see.

“Oh man,” he groaned.  “Do you think anyone saw or heard us?”

Optimus’s optics widened in alarm.

“I am afraid that my comrades will know exactly what was happening up here.  I was loud enough that they would have been able to hear me from the other end of the ship.  We are well sheltered from sight by the surrounding planes, but it is very possible that someone saw us as well.”

Sam thought about it for a moment with horror.  That meant that not only would the other Autobots, including Bumblebee, know what had happened, but maybe Leo, his family, and oh god no, Mikaela, would find out as well.

An unhappy groan came from the mech beneath him and Sam looked down and met Optimus’s optics once more.

“My apologies Sam,” Optimus said.  “I shouldn’t have allowed us both to get so caught up in the moment.  I should have exercised more restraint.”

Optimus stopped speaking immediately when he noticed that Sam had begun to laugh.

“Stop apologising for everything!  You said before that we’re both Primes, right?”


“Well then,” Sam leaned down and pressed another kiss to Optimus’s windshield.  “I think that means we should be allowed to do whatever we want once in a while, don’t you?

rated: nc17/ma, method: holo/human, method: tactile, author: tanta_green, sam witwicky, optimus prime, continuity: bay movies

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