BW Waspinator[The storm seems to have broken for a moment, a watery sun peeking weakly through the clouds. Waspinator has taken this opportunity to venture out and get some air. After fluttering around for a little while, he's landed on The Roof, reclining and gazing up at the sky
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[Being so small among such large mechs didn't make for terribly reasonable travel, so he opted to zip around on his jets instead, exploring and marveling at the spread of the Nexus hub below him, all the bots milling about, enormous mechs, their ancestors, at least some of them... it was incredible, and he still wasn't sure he wasn't dreaming... or dying... His own crew had told him he'd died when the pod had kamikaze'd into the Planet Buster... maybe this was that space between living and death, a sort of Limbo where sparks of all worlds and dimensions come together... ]
[His musing is cut short as he spies that familiar green and yellow form reclining on the roof top. The truce he's been told of offers him hope, and a sense of relief, so he glides down until he can hover just above the roof, cutting his jets and landing with a soft 'thunk' of his peds. He offers the insect a bow of his head in greeting.]
Evening. I hope I'm not disturbing you...
*is used to other mechs coming and going from 'his' roof and barely spares Optimus a glance at first*
*shrugs lazily, wings flicking; he looks much more composed and cool than he actually feels*
Wazpinator'z roof iz for every one.
*is actually panicking a little on the inside; he's still not quite sure about having 'his' Optimus here, even though he's friendly-ish with the TF:A one*
[He moves a little closer to the smaller mech, gesturing to the space next to him]
May I join you, Waspinator? It's... surprisingly refreshing to see someone of my own world and time after wandering around here for a day...
Okay...Iz free multi-verze *another shrug, followed by a side-long glance*
...Even if 'some one' iz Wazpinator?
[He manages a soft chuckle, moving to plunk down beside the other mech and dangle his feet off the edge of the roof, wiggling his toes in the open air]
Well as far as Predacons go, you're not such a bad mech. Besides, if you wanted to shoot me, you'd have done it by now. You've had more than one open chance, after all.
*looks back up at the sky again, quiet for a long moment*
Wazpinator never wanted to shoot any one. Juzt...wanted to fly.
[Leaning back on his hands, he follows the insect's gaze up at the sky, watching the clouds roll by and blot the sun intermittently]
Then why did you? If you don't mind my asking...
Why follow Megatron?
Becauze...*tenses, wings rising, stiff and defensive*
You think iz eazy to find job when every one thinkz you sound stupid?
[He's quiet for a long moment, lets his gaze fall back down]
I see...
I guess that's not something that's easy to relate to. Not in our society these days... But my carrier once told me of a mech his ancestor used to work with - he was a Naval Commander and he had this ... quirk in his vocalizer so that whenever he spoke, it sounded like he was talking in bubbles. And there was another that would always shout between words, because he liked explosions, things like 'Bam!' and 'Zap!' and 'Kablammo!' [He chuckles softly] A mech should never be judged for a personality quirk - it's our differences that make us... memorable.
Well, becauze Wazpinator created Predacon, he waz judged unfairly 'cauze of hiz glitchez *curls in on himself a little* Had to take what job he could get...Couldn't afford to turn Megatron'z offer down.
We've evolved past the Great Wars but the old prejudices are still in place...
[Another sigh, he offers out a hand to Waspinator]
I know it doesn't change anything... but for what it's worth... I'm sorry.
You right; sorry doezn't magically makez thingz better *warily takes the offered hand and gives it a little shake* But it doez make Wazpinator feel little more inclined to forgive.
*if you look hard enough, you might be able to find a smile on his face*
[He smiles in return, reaching a little higher to clasp his forearm in a friendly squeeze before letting go and leaning back on his hands, swinging his legs as he stares up at the sky]
I hope we can all learn to function together here... finally put aside old prejudices and become one like we always should have been in the first place... 'til all are one'...
*solemn* Iz very...Prime of you.
*turns his faze downwards, taking in the buildings below* Lotz haz happened since Wazpinator come here. He learn tonz of thingz...Like that he should have been Maximal, probably; iz not good at being evil. That not every one thinkz he dumb; other-botz will lizten and rezpect him. And love and friendship...Not the weaknezzez Predaconz say they are.
So maybe Optimuz iz right. Maybe thingz can get better.
[Another smile, softer than the first, and he reaches out to lay a hand on Wasp's shoulder, giving a slight squeeze]
Honestly it shouldn't matter if we're Maximal or Predacon, we all come from the same proto-matter, we all come from the same Well of All Sparks... a few differences in programming shouldn't keep us so divided... But prejudice remains because old beliefs stay the same. And if the bodies change but the minds don't, then nothing changes at all, really. Same old war, different generation... The Predacons shouldn't be treated as poorly as they are, I know. And a lot of that probably has to do with fear of exactly this happening - sides taken and beliefs challenged, fights that turn into brawls, brawls that turn into battles, battles that turn into eons of warfare. [He sighs] But here we have a chance to make things the way they should be, right? No one knows who brought us here or why, they seem to pluck mechs indiscriminately from their worlds - this is a true neutral ground ( ... )
*starts at the touch, then looks over at him* But...doez matter your affiliation, Optimuz. Alwayz doez. Becauze are certain choicez you are or aren't allowed to make, depend on what you are. Wazpinator done some terrible thingz, becauze he have no other choice. When you are Predacon, you do what commanderz say, no arguing. Insubordination getz you punished at bezt, killed at worzt.
Iz eazy to say we can change that. And maybe here, will be eazier. But uzually, no matter how idealizztic we be, thingz never so simple.
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