Macguffins and submacguffins
Energon and fuel sources are to be approved before use.
Approved list:
• Any existing Wind Turbine
• Energon mine
• Haven
• Octane (restricted to no energon just fuel)
• The Shack
• Serenade
These pre-approved places can keep doing what they've been doing, but anyone seeking to make energon or modification parts etc for trade or profit--it's a world-changing event that needs approval.
Every other place is self sustaining but as soon as you want to increase your amount/trade/manufacture then it needs to be approved before use.
If you need more then you can either ask for a source approval, or you can make a deal with a player with a source
Special Abilities/objects
Allspark shards - limited to self-healing
Processor over Matter only 3 approved users. - Any questions please ask Wicked3659
If anyone has a character that has an ability that might need to be added to this list or they are playing out a plot that requires a special object or ability, then please email us to see if it fits the special ability/object description.
TFIC2 now has tags, so if everyone who has posted there could call up their entries tag and lock them, that'd be spiffy.
New Locations
We need a name of the place for a tag, and the purpose of the place, and any features it has? You may also provide us with a drawing/diagram of your place, this isn’t compulsory to have but any artworks need to be checked with us before adding to your location.
We now have a comm. email
All requests, questions, things needing approval, suggestions and complaints must be sent there.
We can still be talked to on AIM or chat of course, but don’t send complaints/issues on IM or PM, send them to the email address. Any real issues of substance need to be approved by all three of us and the email is the best and fastest way because it goes to all three of us. If you IM or PM asking for stuff, you’ll simply be told that it has to be discussed among all three of us and please forward to the email.
Prompt for this week will be:
The monthly challenge ends on 18th May 2010 GMT. That’s this Tuesday. We have had a fabulous amount of great entries and they will all be put into the poll shortly after the contest closes. Hope you’ve all had fun with it and there’s still chance to enter if you haven’t already.