Why do bunnies absolutely love bombarding/mobbing you all at once? No, seriously, for about two weeks I only came up with about six bunnies then the rest just jumped me in the past two days.
1. TF:A. Ratchet and Fanzone interaction. Because they’re both grumpy old men. And because Fanzone’s first reaction to the scene in Garbage In, Garbage Out was to tell the human to stop harassing the Autobot.
2. Sunstreaker, Tracks and Sundor get together. And have a contest to see who’s the prettiest in the land. Could also add in other vain (canon or not) in if you’d like.
3. Cybertronians always knew humans were weird, just never how weird.
Perceptor: “You’re making a common frozen treat traditionally made with cream and egg yolk using liquid nitrogen?”
4. Assuming the fact that the cassettes are all Soundwave’s children, and just how slagging many there are, there has to be more than one partner to spawn them all. Because there’s a crap load of them; Beastbox, Buzzsaw, Enemy, Flip Sides, Frenzy, Garboil, Glit, Howlback, Laserbeak, Overkill, Ratbat, Ravage, Rumble, Squawktalk, Wingthing and Sundor. (Well, technically Wingthing isn’t a cassette, he’s a weapon, but he’s still one of Sounder’s minions.) And that’s not including any of the Autobot cassettes either.
5. In Dinobot logic dinosaur form = Dinobot. So when the Dinobots meet the dinosaur cassettes Dial and Saur, they decide to adopt them in as little brothers. There’s just the little problem of the dinosaur Decepticon cassettes to deal with now.
6. The timer mechanism in Flip Sides finally goes off and she changes to her true, Decepticon, personality. So, who exactly is Flip Sides? Does she feel cheated that she’s lost all those millions of years living a lie, not to mention her friends and comrades?
7. Garboil is the Decepticon propagandist. For some reason, I find Smokescreen filling that role for the Autobots.
9. I’ve heard of evil twins from different universes and all, but this (
Glit ) is ridiculous. And I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but Glit sounds an awful lot like my favorite medic. Most likely, it's just me.
10. Movie verse. Using the logic that all Transformers spawned from the All Spark are violent beings before they’re introduced to the Matrix, does that mean that everyone is Decepticon in origin, or is it simply that all Decepticons are Transformers that haven’t been exposed to the Matrix yet? If the last one is the case, and they would all become vastly different mechs after the Matrix, what would happen if they were all rounded up and shown the light, so to speak?
11. Smokescreen’s a con artist and a gambler not a psychologist, Ratchet is, he’d like everyone to remember that.
12. Could go with other bunnies about the Autobots acquiring members made exclusively for battles and sea and their not so open attitude towards them. I just find it incredibly ironic that the Decepticons have an entire team just for sea battles. Seacons.
13. Another water themed bunny. What if the Transformers had to land on a planet that was either almost entirely covered by water, or the only land was the stations built by the natives?
14. Yet another water bunny. Since water is so scarce as to be considered a mythical substance on Cybertron, when the bots first came to Earth and it rained for the first time (most likely down poured in a massive thunderstorm with their luck) the poor things must have completely freaked out.
15. With the technology to become six changers, does that mean that the ability to become a triple changer will be more common place? And what about four and five changers, it was hard enough to become a triple and six changer when the technology first came out so you could only think that you couldn’t just leap from the level of a triple to a six without at least SOME experimenting in between.
16. Transformer shikigami, because someone has to keep track of all the wayward sparks floating around and making sure they end up in the right place.
17. Movie verse fuzors and transmetals. Would be interesting if the fuzors weren’t organic, but instead a combination of different vehicles. Think of it as perhaps a triple changer gone wrong.
18. Turns out, Sam’s parents sold his soul to the devil. Now he’s a Reaper. Could or could not follow the actual plot of the show. Because their reaction to a demon in Sam’s kitchen, helping him cook and purring, of all things, would be priceless. And Miles would most likely be a lot like Sock, thinking that it was the absolutely coolest thing in the world.
19. One of those reality meshing things, only a little different. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe meet their counterpart from another universe, a mech whose spark didn’t split.
20. With all those bunnies about magic and the fact that magic is a part of Transformers canon, I now have an image stuck in my head of the Stunticons, of all bots, trying out magic wands and putting on the Sorting Hat. Would somehow be truly fitting if they ended up in different Houses, with Motormaster in Hufflepuff because he is bound and determined to become the undisputed King of the Road if it’s the last thing he does.
21. Not all Seekers joined the Decepticons, some joined the Autobots. The fact that there aren’t any flyers could be the fact that they reformatted themselves into ground vehicles because their beliefs were so strong.
22. The Seekers may have little regard for the human pilots, but they can’t help but be impressed and respect the skills of pilots landing on an aircraft carrier, especially in the middle of the night in turbulent waters. Because while aircraft do have sensors to help the pilots land, those sensors really don’t like moving targets and are basically useless.
23. They say, no matter what the craft, that you can only make your true masterpiece only once. After that, you’ll never reach that same level again, come close, yes, but nothing else will compare.
24. Stepford Wives. Every culture has its stereotypes. So what would the Cybertronian stereotypes for the perfect mate be? What other stereotypes would their society have?
25. Many, many Transformers have glitches. My question is at what point do they become socially unacceptable? Are there any that are immediately classified as such, no matter how minor they are?
26. Cybertronian drinking songs. Because what fandom is complete without drinking songs?
To the cube I go,
To heal my spark and drown my woes.
To the cube I go,
Acid rains may fall and solar winds may blow,
And many vuns be still to go.
*sounds of dancing, whistling and celebrating going on*
*then music slows down to a somber tone, or as my Mom put it, like everyone suddenly became sober*
But under a tall Spire I would lie,
And watch the Seekers go sailing by
*music picks up again ‘till end of song*
*lyrics based on Tolkien music.
27. Since nanites are really, really tiny robots, and Transformers are robots, does that mean there could be a nanite Transformer, or maybe a regular sized Cybertronian made of Transformer nanites in a communal/symbiotic type of way like Hunters in Halo?
28. Blades is to First Aid as Twins are to Ratchet. Found it on Blades wiki profile, made me laugh like mad, do with it what you will.
29. Sometimes First Aid likes to steal Groove's pacifism and run off with it. This was found on Groove’s wiki profile.
30. Sparkride. My mind went to the gutter reading that name, and I feel extremely sorry for the bot that has it.
31. “You know things are going badly when you find yourself in Silent Hill with an air conditioner as your only companion.” (First Aid wiki profile) Either people from this journal are editing wiki profiles or we aren’t the only psychics out there.
32. Someone out there has a very severe glitch. Basically, they black out for a time, remembering nothing of that period. It can range anywhere from two seconds to two days. The reason no one notices at first, and why the bot never goes to the medics, is that at first, for a long while, it is only a few seconds and during these black outs the mech in question acts no different than usual. It’s not until these periods grow much longer do they become an issue. Especially when the bot makes a very personal promise to someone during a black out and inadvertently breaks it.
33. Still, flying alongside him (Fireflight) is definitely unnerving to the other Aerialbots; "Sometimes I wonder whose side he's on," says Skydive. Fireflight is secretly working for the Decepticons.
34. One of the Stunticons (other than Motormaster) finds a way to safely undo the gestalt programming.
35. The main reason Menasor isn’t the ultimate warrior like he’s suppose to be is because of the great depth of loathing the four limb components feel towards Motormaster has created a primal psychological rift and left Menasor an unpredictable mass of conflicting, chaotic impulses. So that means if they replace Motormaster with someone the others could work with, then the problem would be fixed and the Decepticons would have their ultimate warrior. Now, the question is, who would they replace him with?
36. I wonder how Motormaster must feel about Nemesis Prime.
37. “I think you ought to know I’m feeling very depressed.” Don’t know if this ones been posted before or not.
38. I’d like to see a fic where Soundwave normally has ALL (16 that I know of) the Con cassettes with him. Could go with 4 or just be a separate fic.
39. Soundwave destroyed Ratbat's original body, placing his spark into a relatively weak cassette form and thus forcing him into the Decepticons. Since he was forced into the Decepticons by Soundwave, would that mean that if his original form wasn’t destroyed, he’d have joined the Autobots?
40. Soundwave has only used is Shoulder Cannon once. Why is that? He’s also labeled as a scientist on the Transformers wiki.
41. “If you look closely, Soundwave's head resembles the Decepticon insignia while the Autobot insignia resembles Prowl's, possibly indicating they might have been considered the leaders of their factions early in the Transformers development process.” Trivia on Soundwave’s wiki profile. If they were leaders of the army, then what positions would Megatron and Optimus/Orion have? Also, does that make Prowl, Prowlimus Prime?
42. Is it possible for Soundwave to use his telepathy to ‘teach’ someone? As in a mass download that would normally be impossible, or having someone instantly learn a new language?
43. Going with the non-organic origin of Cybertron. Does Cybertron have fossils, and if not, how would the Transformers react to something like million year old bones? Since they use their dead in some fashion or another, whether it’s internment or use as spar parts, there aren’t exactly going to be bodies lying around to study how their ancestors lived, so how DO they study their ancient past?
44. “Decepticon Brawl laughs so rarely that when he does, it comes out as a creepy, creaking wheeze. Still, the one thing that amuses him to no end is watching Rescue Ratchet rush around a battlefield trying to save as many lives as possible. With the Autobots putting every last ounce of energy into snatching the All Spark, Decepticon Brawl finds himself in a target rich environment. It amuses him to place his shots for maximum damage, scattering wounded in every direction, so he can watch the Autobot medic run himself ragged.” Like one of those “he only picks on you because he likes you” scenarios. So, Ratchet/Brawl anyone? *crickets chirp* Just me then? *pouts*
45. It is said that Swoop’s alt mode is terrifying to Transformers, why exactly is that, what part of that particular dinosaur makes it so terrible?
46. “Hello Me, it’s Me again.”
47. Going with that one bunny about how language changes over time. Because they’re so long lived it may take a lot longer for their language to change into something completely new. So maybe when Megatron contacts Shockwave after his four million year nap, what Shockwave is hearing would be something a lot like Old English (Shakespeare or whatever) to us. It’s the same language, and you can understand it, it just takes a moment to decipher it is all. Forsooth and prithee and speaking in a circular fashion and all that.
48. If each Transformer were to choose a mythical creature as an alt mode, what would they be? Here’s a long list of what I think they’d be.
Choices made on information from the book Magickal, Mystical Creatures.
Prowl=Chinese lion-dog
Jazz=Pegasus/Quetzalcoatl (These are both very culture oriented creatures, and as much as I love the dear plumed serpent, I like the picture of a pure white, or silver, Pegasus wearing a blue visor)
Ratchet=Phoenix/Horned Snake(Oniont) (The image of him as a phenomenal healer but looking like a terrifying monster that scares people away at sight is hilarious)
Wheeljack=Papillon (because I really like the idea of him as a fire breathing horse XD)
Perceptor=Zaltys (little completely ordinary looking guardian snakes.)
Mirage=Sleipnir/Sphinx (Sphinx because “One who likes to challenge people on intellectual levels, then verbally tear them to pieces if they prove to be “less” intelligent. A person who practices “one-up-manship”.)
Hound=Hound of the Wild Hunt/Cu Sith
Megatron=Hydra/White Serpent of China (Hydra, because the damn thing just won’t die and the serpent because it’s a demanding type of monster that wants their way in all things.)
Starscream=Thunder bird/Arabian Ruhk
Ravage=winged panther
Deadend=The Black Dog (also known as the Grim) (and I quote from the book “a person who always sees the worst in every situation and never fails to tell everyone who will listen.”) If that doesn’t describe Deadend then I don’t know what does.
49. Soundwave would like to know one thing, why does everyone consider him the mother, hasn’t anyone heard of single, working fathers before? Just because he carries the cassettes and cares for them doesn’t mean he was the CARRIER of their sparks, slag it all.
50. A really, really disturbing thought I had the other day (and not really much of a bunny, could be if you wanted it, but more of a discussion), and I can’t believe I’m actually posting this but; because Transformers don’t reproduce in the way we do and thus have no need to worry about abnormalities because of having offspring with certain close relations, what exactly would a Transformer consider incest? Because I’m morbidly curious what everyone’s response will be. And that loud cracking noise you just heard was my brain breaking because I was thinking of Soundwave and his cassettes and it absolutely refused to go along with that particular train of thought any longer. (At least not alone)
51. On a slightly happier note. The war is over, now what does everyone do? They’ve been fighting for over 9 million years, some have never known anything but the war, so how does everyone go back to living like a civilian? Or, do some even want to stop fighting? They’re good at fighting, they know what to do and are comfortable with it, why would they want to change that? Perhaps in a don’t want to acknowledge/think about what they’ve done to survive kind of way.
52. Can Transformers get hiccups? Cause I’ve heard of the term hiccup in the line, and there are a lot of lines in a Cybertronians body, and I think I sort’ve answered my own question. So, in this case, what would a hiccup be like for a Transformer?
53. A Transformer capturing one of the wild animals of Cybertron and taming it as a pet.
54. Starscream as a successful leader of the Decepticons. It wouldn’t take much really, he has good ideas, it’s just that he needs to be a little more patient and not so egotistical. Plus, thinking things through would help, a lot.
55. Even though the Decepticons think of us as nothing more than insects and want to destroy our planet, there would still be those of us who would not only work with them, besides some warlords or such who would to get what they want, but just regular people (civilians). Because humans are weird contradictory creatures like that.
56. Going with the bunny that says the Ark in a mental hospital. Some of the glitches the patients have are rather obvious, like Red Alert’s paranoia and Optimus Prime’s martyr syndrome. But what I’d like to know, is what are the rest of the patients in for? And if every single one of them are the patients, then where in the Pit are the doctors? They’re the Decepticons, you tell me? Tsk, tsk Decepticons, you lost your patients and now they started a war on an alien planet, you’re not turning out to be very good doctors. After all, the patients think they’re the mythical Autobot heroes from legend and they need some sort of victim to save from the doctors/evil Decepticon warriors. The poor Cons, now they have to deal with patients with weapons and an entire world filled with fragile life forms that think the Cons are out to destroy them, thanks to the Bots getting there first and telling the “history” of Cybertron to them, when they simply want to leave the planet before they squish anything by accident and round up their patients so they can just go home.
57. In just about every fic I’ve seen where Sam becomes the All Spark it’s either one of two things; he brings machines to life by touch alone or he somehow carries the spark within himself (usually after he’s become a Cybertronian himself). Lets mix it up a little, instead of him being the sole carrier, why isn’t he able to implant a new spark in other mechs? After all, it would make much more sense that way, instead of one carrier producing a single new spark you would have many carry a new mechling. That’s kind of why in nature there’s one alpha male with a large group of females. Possibly make him into a Transformer if you wanted.
58. Dreams are odd things, just a sequence of images that appear involuntarily to the mind of somebody who is sleeping, often a mixture of real and imaginary characters, places, and events. It’s a little disturbing when you dream of a single person you care for dying, but it’s only a dream, right? It’s not until that person dies that someone would become concerned. Especially when there are more dreams, each featuring a person close to you. Even more so if in one of them, you have to kill the person for their own good.
59. All life on Cybertron was destroyed in a flash. So quickly that no one even realized they’re dead.
60. The worst punishment an immortal person can face is an eternity of boredom.
61. What with everyone, even the Decepticons, complaining about the optic searing orange color the Ark is, the Autobots decide to do a little redecorating.
62. In some cultures on Earth, the inclusion of personal effects is motivated by the belief that when a person dies, their possessions (and sometimes people connected to them such as wives) should go with them out of loyalty or ownership. Perhaps that’s the reason bonded cannot live without the other, not because of the pain of the bond breaking, but because of either loyalty or the fact that one owns the other.
63. “Wish I didn’t know now, what I didn’t know then.”
64. We all know there’s energon that’s like alcohol to them, but is there an energon type that’s like caffeine to them?
65. “Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap.” XD. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.
66. Sick of being sick.
67. What with the organic fuels and alternate sources of energy I was wondering if Transformers had a version of alternate medicines like we do. You know, like herbs and brews and potions and other things like that.
68. How exactly can you tell the different ranks in the Transformers armies anyway? The only symbols, outside of movie verse, the bots have are the factions.
60. I have one red optic and one blue optic. The blue optic sees truth, but the red optic sees much, much more.
70. If somebody didn’t do something soon, they were going to have a catastrophe on their hands.
70. Starscream’s wing had gone missing.
‘Cause I read a sword wrong and wig became wing, which confused me a great deal.
72. ???? Was the runt of the family, born small and ill-favored, and by the time they were grown, they were still small and ill-favored.
73. The first time I saw him, he painted a hex sign on my right arm, and I couldn’t move my fingers for three cycles.
74. Like anything else, the armed forces is full of its own unique jargon and nicknames for anything and everything like jar heads and puddle pirates. So, what are some of the nicknames and the like in the Decepticon and Autobot armies?
75. Soundwave/Rodimus Prime.
Still not sure I did all the tags right. *grumbles*