Title: No beso en la primera cita. (I don't kiss on the first date)
Rating: R - Humor.
Pairings: Uhh... Ratchet x Figueroa? Implied Ironhide x Ratchet.
Characters: Lennox, Epps, Fig, Ratchet, mention of the Lambo Twins, Bumblebee and Ironhide.
Summary: Ratchet insists about performing regular check ups in any and every human that comes in contact with the Autobots and the All spark's shard for extended periods of time. This doesn't sit well with Fig, an avid watcher of Jaime Maussan's shows.
Notes: This is all
arinye's fault. She gave me the god damned plot bunny. Also, for those that don't know Jaime Maussan he's a Mexican ufologist that is like, a latinamerican 'authority' on the subject, so I thought it was likely Fig would watch his shows.
"Y te advierto amigo, no beso en la primera cita. - Jorge Figueroa."