Fic: Comfort Calling Late, Chapter 3: Welcome Home by SBX

Aug 17, 2007 01:38

*pokes community* Is anybody here actually reading this story other than sbanchs? Or am I wasting my time post updates for this fic here? Come on, folks, one can not live off FF.Net reviews alone!

Title: Comfort Calling Late
Chapter: Chapter Three: Welcome Home
Author: SBX
Series: The "There Is" Series
Characters: Prowl, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, First Aid, Perceptor, Brian O’Connor, Dominic Toretto, Barricade, mention of Blaster
Pairings: Prowl/Jazz, hints of Dom/Brian, Blaster/Perceptor
Rating: PG-13 (Will rise again later)
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: No character used in this story belongs to me except for Zero, and he was only mentioned in passing. Fic title comes from the lyrics of “Every You Every Me” by Placebo.
Summary: The road to healing is long and winding, but is it traveled to late?
A/N: Okay, so this chapter wasn’t short. And the next chapter won’t be Prowl’s because chapter four will basically be just a short extension of this one. Five will be about Prowl though. I promise.

A few surprises this chapter. Barricade makes a guest appearance, setting up for a story that takes place later in the CCL time line. Also, I invented a pairing (or at least I think I did)! After watching the interaction between Blaster and Perceptor in Transformers: The Movie, I realized that they would make a pretty cute couple. So I stuck them together. And then made them angsty. Because I’m horrible that way. :D

One last thing before we get on with the story. This chapter is dedicated to sbanchs. Because she is made of awesome. ‘Nuff said.

Cybertronian specific phrases and their meanings are:
Astrosecond: 0.498 seconds
Breem: 8.3 minutes
Cycle: 1 minute
Deca-Cycle: Equals to approx. a year
Mega-cycle: 1 hour
Orn: 13 days (as I haven’t found anything that lists this as an official time unit, credit for this goes to Karategal.

Any questions? Please feel free to ask. Now on with the show!

Click, dangit!

prowl/jazz, crossover, fanfiction 2007 (summer), oc, poster: sbx, perceptor, sideswipe, prowl, blaster, barricade (07-08), first aid, jazz, rated pg-13 (07-08), sunstreaker

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