Fic: Random Intervals 2/?

May 15, 2008 16:10

TITLE: Random Intervals, 2
SERIES: Imperfection
DISCLAIMER: None of the characters belong to me, sadly. They are owned by people with a lot more money
Author’s Voice of Warning (aka Author’s Note):
English is not my first language; it’s German. This is the best I can do. Any mistakes you find in here, collect them and you might win a prize The spell-checker said everything's okay, but you know how trustworthy those thingies are....
BETA: okami_myrrhibis

Sam had always been special.

Of course, as a mother she was biased, but Judy Witwicky stood to her opinion. Sam had been special when he had been a baby. Their only child. While her sister had three and her brother had two children, Judy and Ron had only had Sam. It had been their decision to make and she had never regretted it.

Sam had developed into a special teenager for her. He was intelligent, nice, didn’t take drugs, drink excessive amounts of alcohol or stay out late with dubious friends. He wasn’t behind in his school work, but he wasn’t a young Einstein either. He was good and that was what counted.

Now Sam was a special young man.

So much had changed in his life when he had bought that old, battered Camaro. Judy had criticized her husband for buying him that heap of junk. She didn’t like to think about what could happen; lose a wheel, failing brakes, engine stalling…

The Camaro had turned out to be something special. Something out of this world special. Judy had been shocked when the men in their black suits had stormed into her house and taken them along. She had refused to answer their questions, demanding to know where her son was. She had been so happy when the Army had freed them and brought them back Sam. A bruised and battered Sam; a changed Sam.

Life had changed after that. They had been briefed on what had happened, on what was still happening. Aliens among them; robotic life forms. The car was such a life form. She had been stunned and speechless.

The Camaro had changed, looked sleeker, newer, safer, to a mother’s eyes. She had gotten to know him, had learned his name. She admired his polite manners, his inquisitive nature, and the way he protected their son - because he was special.

Bumblebee had become part of their family.

When the truth about Sam’s new abilities had come out, Judy had been hard pressed to truly understand what was going on. She didn’t really have to understand the details, though. She only knew that her son needed her, that he was still her Sam. He hadn’t changed. So he was a technopath now. She could accept that. It couldn’t be changed.

That Sam’s relationship with Mikaela had broken apart had been much to Judy’s disappointment. Sam had never been much of a ladies man. There had been no real girl-friends before Mikaela. The girls he had met had been platonic friends, not interested in the boy who wasn’t into sports and who didn’t hang out with the other cool boys. Mikaela had been different; she had been beautiful, intelligent, and she had spent time with Sam - not out of pity but because she liked him. Now they were only friends again and while Judy had briefly mourned the loss of a possible daughter-in-law, she had accepted it.

Now, seven years after the first contact with the Cybertronian Transformers, Sam was a government-employed engineer with a special gift, whose relationship with one of these mechanoids had changed. Judy wasn’t blind and she had always seen how close Bumblebee and Sam were, but she had never thought any further than a really good friendship. Even now she would be hard pressed to say what those two shared. It was something, all right. It was something close and personal and so not of this planet. It involved the technopathy in a way; it involved more than being friends.

Judy had only slowly accepted it, had never asked her son what was happening between him and Bumblebee. There was nothing she could do about it anyway.

Their family had grown. She had accepted that grand-kids would probably never happen. She had accepted that Sam spent a lot of time away from home now; he was all grown up and fending for himself.

Judy smiled a little wistfully.

Life was never predictable. Hers more than anyone’s.

poster: macx_larabee, fanfiction 2008 (spring), rated pg-13

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