Music Meme Drabblets

May 15, 2008 09:16

Ha! I have coined a new word! "Drabblets" Shorter than a drabble and with only half the calories! Anyway. Though I am extremely late to the party, here is my contribution to the music meme. Multiple characters, hinted pairings.


“Promise”-Virtue Trap
Forever was a long time. This, Ironhide knew, but unlike others, he knew it in reverse. He did not mind lasting for millennia more, countless centuries piling up on each other like fall leaves on the ground. It was in thinking that he’d lasted since near the beginning…that was when he felt old. Forever. He paid little attention to it.

At least, until he was forced to wait for forever until Ratchet would finally look at him.

Forever was a long, long time.

“Anything for you,” Ironhide murmured as he watched Ratchet work.

Ratchet looked up. “What did you say?”

“Don’t Cry Out”-We are Pilots
Jazz, where are you?
Ratchet struggled through the flying debris, side-stepping panicking humans and trying to fire return shots at the Decepticons. He had seen Jazz enter-had been right beside him, in fact, but he had disappeared a while back. He and Ironhide could use Jazz’s help, but for some reason, Ratchet could not seem to find him.

Jazz, I’m going as fast as I can.
Sam was running. Running for his life, running for others lives, running because it was nothing but panic. And yet, there was something on the edge of his awareness, that something bad had happened.

Jazz. Please hold on. I’m coming.
Optimus was pushing himself, moving as fast he could. Jazz had gotten ahead of him, and while he trusted in his second in command, Optimus knew Jazz to be somewhat reckless when he got into the heat of the battle.

An instant. A second. But in that moment,

I love you all too.

“Hey, Optimus! What are you reading?”

Sam had stepped outside for a bit of fresh air, needing a chance to stretch his legs after days of being cooped up in the base due to the threat of Decepticon attack. He had gone for a walk, and had gone farther than he had intended. He had walked up a small plateau, one that overlooked the desert, and had found Optimus already there, reclining against a pile of rocks and reading through a datapad.

“The Odyssey,” Optimus responded. “It’s quite good,” he added after a pause.

“I haven’t read that since high school,” Sam responded.

“I like the premise,” Optimus said, keeping his gaze on the datapad as Sam climbed up next to him. “That we all have a journey that we need to fulfill, despite the odds.”

“Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me”-Akira Yamaoka, Silent Hill 3 Soundtrack
Darkness. Everywhere darkness. And coldness. Pressure. Water swirling in sluggish currents while the ooze beneath was soft.

You think this is the end, don’t you, Optimus?

Optimus Prime was a fool. To think it could end so easily, so suddenly.

I have my ways. I have more than one trick up my sleeve.

He wouldn’t let them forget. Not after all this time, not after all that had been done.

But for now, he would wait, in the deep.

“Hound Dog”-Elvis Presley
Metaphors. Ironhide didn’t think he would ever understand them. Only humans would come up with such ridiculous comparisons that made little sense upon scrutiny. There was probably something to them, they probably meant something, but Ironhide didn’t know what.

He decided to chalk it up to just another quirk as he watched Will Lennox dance around his kitchen, wooden spoon for a microphone.

“Lean on Me”-Bill Withers
If we are wise, we realize that there’s always tomorrow.

Sam realized one evening that this was the first time that he had ever seen Bumblebee depressed. It was strange, and unsettling, as Sam had always seen Bumblebee in a good mood-ready for a joke, or a song, or making a general idiot of himself to entertain the others.

But, Sam supposed, this was just one of those days. Bumblebee was feeling down, but Sam declined to ask why.

If I have faith that you need to borrow.

“Hey, buddy. You okay?” Sam asked as he climbed into the car.

“I’m fine, Sam.”

“Well, I’m here if you need it.”

Call me.

“I know.”

“Symphony No. 5”-Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Ironhide found Ratchet alone, working, in the medbay, overhead lights dimmed for the night. This was not unusual in itself, but this night Ratchet had music going. It was originating from the CD player that Sam had given him a few months back, and the sound was quite dramatic.

Ironhide stood in the doorway, silent and watching. Listening.

There was a distinct “call and response” element to the orchestration: woodwinds, followed by a repeat by the brass.

Light, dark. Alternating.

“Blaze of Glory”-Bon Jovi
So this was how it was going to end. Megatron and his best had cornered the Autobots on a hostile, backwater planet-the Decepticons were in force, guns blazing with seemingly endless ammunition. Ironhide and a few others-Primus knew where Optimus and Jazz were-the Twins included were corraled up against a cliff face and feeling the ever onwards press of Soundwave, Shockwave, and the Seekers.

“This isn’t looking good,” Ironhide growled to himself, knowing that Sunstreaker, at his feet, heard him. Sunstreaker smiled up at him.

“Well, if we’re gonna go down, I say we do it in style.”

That had been the last Ironhide had ever seen of Sunstreaker. Not that he saw Sunstreaker fall, but in the rain of gunfire that had followed that short exchange, their group had fallen apart: they got separated, and so Ironhide never really knew what happened. Sunstreaker had just…disappeared.

It didn’t look good, especially since they left the planet without him, but Ironhide kept his attention on each new arrival to Earth, listening for any word, and hoping.

“Talking in Your Sleep”-The Romantics
Wheeljack knew that the others wouldn’t believe him if he ever said it aloud, but Ratchet was a considerate person.

In his own way.

Most never recognized for what it was, but the biggest sign of it was that Ratchet never said a word. At least, never when he was awake. And in this way, Ratchet had found a way to make consideration for another person’s feelings seem like a fault.

You’re telling me the secrets that you just can’t hide.

Wheeljack lied next to Ratchet in the berth, wondering why Ratchet was so afraid to tell him. He would have understood. People grow apart, find themselves attracted to others. It was perfectly normal.

He just wished he didn’t have to hear it from Ratchet while he was recharging and calling for someone else.

”Rainy Monday”-We are Pilots
“Do you trust me?”

Optimus looked up at Megatron, who was standing on the platform next to the modified two-person shuttle and holding out his hand. Megatron had offered to take Optimus flying, and Optimus had only halfway agreed.

“Yes. It’s flying I don’t trust. It frightens me.” Optimus responded, earning a smile from Megatron.

“I promise not to show off.”

“Okay, now I’m suspicious.”

“Get up here.”

Megatron pulled Optimus into the shuttle. It was not originally designed to be anything more than simple point A to point B transport, but Megatron had rewired it, redesigned the body, and added more engine power to rival the racing ships. Optimus strapped himself in, and clung tightly to his co-ruler as the engines fired up.

“Here we go.”

”Somewhere Over the Rainbow”-Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

“Hey, Optimus.”

Optimus looked up, seeing Ironhide standing before him.


“I have a last request, for whenever it is that I die.”

Optimus shifted back, taken off guard by the unusual statement. But Ironhide was looking at him so seriously that he nodded.

“And what would that be?”

“I want you to outlive me.”

I want you to see what we’ve worked so hard for.

“As you wish, my friend.”

poster: lady_oneiros, fanfiction 2008 (spring), rated pg

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