Linked Entry Post for the Prompt Battle

Apr 30, 2007 08:56

The 'dates/times' for the prompt battle entries may not match your local time/day. I'll be collecting them around midnight UK time.

Monday 7th May, 2007

banner by jeyla4ever, Teyla & Kate, couch
banner by jeyla4ever, John and Teyla, Het/Wide Open Spaces
Teyla in action by ileliberte, Teyla, rage, G
banner by jeyla4ever, Teyla/Kate, Understanding

Sunday 6th May, 2007

When she thinks no one's around by viciouswishes, Teyla/Lorne, drunk, het, PG13
Unlike Minds by tielan, Teyla & Ladon, mistrust, PG-13
Cascade by tielan, Teyla/John, water, NC-17
Fire And Ice by purple_cube, Teyla/John/Elizabeth, rules, R
After The Night Before by saphanibaal, Teyla & Rodney, in the dark, Teyla/Kate, relief & understanding, PG
Shades of Friendship by veracity, Teyla & Kate , A Simple Gesture, G
C Is For... by saphanibaal, Teyla & team, chocolate chip cookies, G

Dance by jeyla4ever, Teyla/John, dance, banner and wallpaper

Saturday 5th May, 2007

Yield by inara84, Teyla/John, yielding, PG-15
The Bargain by madjm, Teyla & team, [sekrit prompt], PG
A Well-Worn Mask by purple_cube, Teyla/Michael, illusion, PG

Meaningless Kiss by jeyla4ever, John/Teyla, meaningless kiss, banners
Thrill by jeyla4ever, John/Teyla, thrill, wallpaper
Trust by veracity, Teyla/Michael, trust, banner

Friday 4th May, 2007

Spirit Of Athos by tielan, Teyla & Halling, Jinto's first birthday without his mother, PG
Five Went In by chasingkerouac, Teyla & Athosians, "change", G
The Barista by tielan, John/Teyla, barista, PG
You Don't by greenconverses, Teyla/John, no win situation, R
De Nomina by saphanibaal, Teyla & Daniel, communicating, PG
Stumble bygreenconverses, Teyla/John, history, PG-13
Rush by medie, Teyla/Ronon, fuck
Waiting, Wishing, Hoping by purple_cube, Teyla/Cameron, sticks, PG
What If? by goddess09807, Teyla & John, roads not taken

Diplomacy by ubiquitous_girl, Teyla/Elizabeth, diplomacy, wallpaper
Fear by tielan, John&Teyla, fear, banner
Meaningless Kiss by jeyla4ever, John & Teyla, meaningless kiss, banners
Fighting by liviapenn, Teyla/Vala, fighting, wallpapers
"He's Definitely The Man For You" by jeyla4ever, John & Teyla, "He's definitely the man for you", wallpapers
Wide Open Spaces by liviapenn, Teyla/John, wide open spaces, wallpapers
Choices by tielan, Teyla & team, choices, wallpaper

Whew! Today was a busy day! Love the work folks, keep it up!

Thursday 3rd May, 2007

My Protector by inara84 Teyla/Lorne, Protector, PG-13
Negotiations by medie,Teyla/Sora, rainfall, pg-13
Ryna Flowers by lilyayl, (Teyla/Kate), Mainland, Smile, Flowers, PG
Lifelines by madjm, Teyla/John, hands, PG
Alliance by inara84, Ladon/Teyla/John, mistrust, PG
Helping Hand by saphanibaal, Teyla/Rodney, helping hand, G
Starting Over by purple_cube, Teyla/Bates, dance, PG
Yoga by majortrip, Teyla & Elizabeth, yoga, G
Joyride by majortrip, John/Teyla, water, PG

Quiet by ubiquitous_girl, Teyla/Rodney, quiet, 508Kb

Wednesday 2nd May, 2007

Not Usually And Always by tielan, Teyla & Vala, mischief, PG-13
Sun by agriope23, John/Teyla, sun, PG-13
Computer Skills by freeroadTeyla + Teyla&Rodney, computer Skills + lesson, G

Survival by ubiquitous_girl, Teyla/Ronon, Survival, 350Kb size wallpaper
Confession by ubiquitous_girl, Teyla/Elizabeth, confession, icon

Tuesday 1st May, 2007

Distractions by chasingkerouac, Teyla/Lorne, water, PG
Crayons by greenconverses, Teyla & John, crayons, PG-13
Flesh by purple_cube, Teyla/Elizabeth, scar, PG

Yoga by bellalarina, Teyla & Elizabeth, yoga, 5Kb size
What she remembered best about her... by bellalarina, Teyla & Dr. Hewston, 'what she remembered best about her, 30Kb size

Monday 30th April, 2007

Forget by freeroad, Teyla & Ford, forget, G
Conviction by noafterglow, Teyla, sometimes she saw through their eyes in her dreams, G
More by noafterglow, Teyla, solitude, G
Happy by live_brave, Teyla, happy, PG
The Pier by purple_cube, Teyla/Lorne, water, R
Thrill by tielan, Teyla/John, thrill, PG-13

(Monday's summary post is a little early due to the fact that I have to head out the door in an hour and won't be around to keep track of things!)

Sunday 29th April, 2007

Stick-Fighting by lyssie, Teyla & Sam, stick-fighting, PG
The Vast Expanse by purple_cube, Teyla/Rodney, ocean, PG
Sitting Duck by tielan, Teyla & Cameron, leading man, PG

Point And Click by allisnow, Teyla, internet, G


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