Jul 20, 2005 10:28
I feel kinda sad, to think that society is worried about what crap we put in movies, when you think about what kind of stuff we are putting in our kids minds. i am working out of town, and i was needing a break. well the project i am working at has a HUGE pond, that is man made with sand, and a huge foutain in the middle. this is a rec area for the locals, and there are tons of people here, and it is only 10am. so i took my camera, and i was taking some pics of the foutain, and the beach, and the river below the beach. and i hear this kid, playing with his friends, and with sticks, making them into guns, saying "lets shoot the iraqies". not only is this something that we could not say as children, it is just politicly in-correct. people do not get the fact thast we should really not be at war. I had a big argument with my mom about this on monday morning, before i left. she says that we are protecting people in IraQ, i say that we are putting them in danger. she says that women were being "stoned" to death before us troops got there, and she says that the stonings have stopped. i consider this complete bullshit. it is basicly ethnic cleansing, which is wrong, but it is going to happen whether or not we are there. her media coverage inspired remarks are lacking depth of a real argument. (just like her right wing stance on my sexual preference) so i say, i thought my parents were smart, well i am disagreeing now, i think that they are non-original, incompitent, and shallow. i still love them, i just can not belive that these hippies and free thinkers that raised me have become sheep to the administration that is taking the heart out of our morality. You think that Gay marrige is wrong? fuck that, how about we stop killing people all the fucking time, then we can work on what is right and wrong.