I don't ever do this, but...

Nov 07, 2008 10:30

Could ya'll think ridiculously good thoughts for a friend of mine? She was walking home from a bar two nights ago, having just seen the election results come in, and got hit by a car when she was crossing the street.

It took about 12 hours for anyone to find her, because she got admitted as a Jane Doe, and she's currently sedated in a coma, and probably will be until the swelling goes down in her brain.

The driver stopped, called 911 and waited for emergency personnel to show up. There is no reason to think that the driver had been drinking. The street was a big one, but apparently poorly lit. I have no idea how fast anyone was going.

Also, everyone go to your cellphones and figure out which are your emergency numbers and list them under "Emergency" and "ICE".

things that suck

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