Paparazzi, parents and other assorted assholes

Jun 17, 2008 12:31

With the exception of the interesting criminal prosecutions for HIPAA violations related to her hospital stay, I generally don't follow Britney Spears related news. I figure my following it encourages assholes to keep on following her. However, I saw this headline and had to click. Ha! This makes me happy.LOS ANGELES - A paparazzo who pressed charges against Britney Spears after her car allegedly ran over his foot was himself to blame for any injury it may have caused, prosecutors said in refusing to pursue the case.

After reviewing police records and a videotape of the incident last year, Deputy District Attorney Joseph D. Shidler wrote Friday that the "only way the victim's foot could have been where the video indicates it to be was by the victim placing it in that location."

The photographer, who was not identified in the report, filed a criminal complaint against Spears in early May, nearly six months after the alleged incident. A copy of the police complaint was not immediately available Monday, but it sought a felony charge of failing to stop after an accident involving an injury.

Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley's office reviewed a videotape and photos of the incident, which don't show the photographer being hit. The report also describes a chaotic scene surrounding Spears, with photographers on all sides of her car and "a lot of noise and confusion."

The report describes Spears' as "driving at an extremely slow rate of speed and in a straight path."
Way to go, LA prosecutors! I hope this means more asshole paparazzi feet get run over.

This part, on the other hand, pisses me off.The document filed on behalf of James Spears seeks an undisclosed amount of money for helping his daughter shop for groceries, handle custody issues with her husband, Kevin Federline, and visiting her in the hospital in February and March. The filing also states that he held meetings to shore up security at Spears' homes and occasionally cooked meals.
Visiting her in the hospital??? He's charging his daughter for visiting her in the hospital? No wonder she's so fucked up, with parents like those. Jesus Christ. His foot should be the next that's run over.


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