
Apr 10, 2007 12:29

I'm just attaching the IM conversation I had with my friend about my RIDICULOUS encounter last night:

LOverstreet83:        dude, i had the craziest encounter at happy donuts last night

tizzlein106:        ooh- what happened?

LOverstreet83:        so this guy comes up to me with like laminated verses from 3rd nephi, and asks me what "iniquity" and "abominations" mean

tizzlein106:        HAHAHA

LOverstreet83:        and he was clearly homeless, like smelled and stuff and so i

was just sort of weirded out. but i explained to him and attempted to go on with my work

LOverstreet83:        THEN he sits down by me

LOverstreet83:        and he's like, 'have you accepted jesus christ as your
savior?' and i was like,' yes sir.'

tizzlein106:        hahaha

LOverstreet83:        and he's like, 'do you happen to be lds?' and i'm like,

'actually, yes.' (and i'm thinking, and that's a little creepy)

LOverstreet83:        and he's like, 'i could tell.'

LOverstreet83:        then he goes on for an hour

tizzlein106:        hahaha

LOverstreet83:        LITERALLY an hour

tizzlein106:        OMG

LOverstreet83:        about how his parents were abusive and he converted to the


tizzlein106:        thats pretty deep

LOverstreet83:        and then he died and went to heaven and God TOLD HIM that he

could go to the Celestial kingdom if he stayed, but he didn't want to stay

because he didn't want to leave his kids. And then God told him if he chose

to come back to earth, he'd be punished

LOverstreet83:        but he chose to come back to earth anyway

tizzlein106:        OMG!!!!!!!!!!

LOverstreet83:        and he did, and then he met this woman at an LDS dance and

married her

tizzlein106:        is this for real?

LOverstreet83:        but his bishop told him he had prayed about it and not to

marry her because she was evil

LOverstreet83:        and then he tells me how his wife was possessed by the devil

LOverstreet83:        and she kidnapped his kids and left

tizzlein106:        WHAT!?!

LOverstreet83:        and then something about he got excommunicated from the

church because i guess the church helped the wife kidnap the kids because

she lied about him

LOverstreet83:        and then he sued the church

LOverstreet83:        and for a lot of years he was really anti- the church, but

then he realized "people did me wrong - not the church."

tizzlein106:        okay- this is redic

LOverstreet83:        yes, YES I KNOW

LOverstreet83:        and he's sitting REALLY close to me and kept touching me and

stuff and i was like, 'omg, he's going to follow me out of this place and

kidnap me!'

tizzlein106:        hahahaha

LOverstreet83:        anyway, he continues to talk about how he's had direct

revalation with god

tizzlein106:        so why was he reading a book of mormon

LOverstreet83:        and honestly, i couldn't decide if he was just totally

schizophrenic or just REALLY prays a lot and feels a lot of things

LOverstreet83:        oh because he decided the church was true and that just some

people in the church did him wrong

LOverstreet83:        and not that the teachings were wrong

tizzlein106:        yeah

tizzlein106:        wow, thats so crazy

LOverstreet83:        so anyway, then he tries to hand maggie and i a pamphlet on

chastity in girls

tizzlein106:        HHAHAHAAHAHA

LOverstreet83:        dude, it was THE MOST RIDICULOUS thing i've ever experience

LOverstreet83:        d

LOverstreet83:        and he kept talking about the trauma he'd experienced from

his devil posessed wife and his abusive parents

LOverstreet83:        so i gently asked him if he'd ever sought out a mental health

professional to talk to

LOverstreet83:        and he said he went to stanford and they told him they didn't

have any therapies for what he was dealing with (which would never actually


LOverstreet83:        and then he's like, 'are you studying psychology?' and i was

like,' umm.. yes.'  (again, how did he know?)

LOverstreet83:        and then he was like, 'young lady, have you read proverbs?'

and i was like, 'yes.' and he was like, 'well you should read it again

because you'll find that it contradicts psychology's teachings and proverbs

is right, not science. you have to be careful that you are not living in

iniquity (after he asked me what iniquity meant!)

tizzlein106:        WOW

tizzlein106:        what did you say?

LOverstreet83:        i was just like. 'okay.  i really have to get back to

studying though.'

LOverstreet83:        and then he gave me a card with a scripture on it and his

p.o. box (cuz he lives in a van) and said if i ever wanted to talk more

about his direct revalations with god, to send him a letter.

tizzlein106:        hahahaha

LOverstreet83:        dude, so weird

LOverstreet83:        i felt really bad for him

LOverstreet83:        but then i just felt really creeped out too

LOverstreet83:        maggie was like, 'dude, i don't know how you didn't get up

and run. you're really good with the crazy ones!' hahaha

tizzlein106:        so are you going to write him a letter?

tizzlein106:        haha

tizzlein106:        DO IT!

LOverstreet83:        umm. no.. i mean he'll probably be at happy donuts again

tizzlein106:        I wanna know what his van is like

tizzlein106:        hehe

LOverstreet83:        plus, i wouldn't want to give him any information about where

i live or whatever. he might stalk me or something

tizzlein106:        true

LOverstreet83:        he has a weird affinity for girls because his wife kidnapped

his daughters

anyway... needless to say THE CRAZIEST  experience EVER!!!  it's like crazy

people feel my aura and come to me.  but at the same time, how did he know

i was mormon? and how did he know i was studying psychology? i'm soooo

weirded out. i'm afraid to leave my room, no lie. i feel like he's just

going to be sitting in my living room waiting for me or something.. ahh! so


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