May 05, 2010 23:45
So on the WoW front, the last month hasn't been pleasant.
Main tank defected to a larger, more prominent guild (and a week later showed off his Kingslayer title). Off tank is off dealing with RL business, and top DPS is on night shift.
To adjust, i've moved over to tank (from resto), but my gear sucks (I hadn't really spent much time getting feral gear since Naxx, and stat priorities are just different enough that my gaer was WAY sub-optimal, even for its gear level). Some other people moved around, too, and we had a recruiting drive. Most of the recruiting turned up undergeared DPS with even worse geared offspecs.
So tonight we assemble for our (hopeful) first-wing run of ICC. I see one of our "my tank gear sucks but I'll try" recruits and me as the only tanks, and our two main healers. I was just about to tell our in-for-one-day top DPS to hop on his holy pally when a member who only raids with us about once a month, but just happens to be a solid tank, logged on.
Problem solved, for tonight at least.
We moved through ICC faster than we've ever run it before. Got through the first wing with no problems (comically, this is the first time we've beat the gunship without a wipe), and I decided "hey, lets see if we can carry this momentum through festergut."
We one shot him.
So we try Rotface. And one shot him.
We haven't made a dent in either of these bosses since, well, the last time I talked about WoW here.
We failed miserably on Putricide, but I expected that. None of us could remember the fight in any detail.
All the same, it was a good night. Great for morale. Now I just need to convince that tank to log on more often.