May 26, 2005 04:36
For the last five days, I've been fighting off an infection in my leg due to my fifth staple, placed incorrectly at an angle. Normally, I would see a physician for the removal as well as antibiotic, but I recently received my bill from the emergency room. My jaw dropped.
$734.00 for FIVE staples. No antibiotics, no painkillers. Fucking ridiculous!
Considering I have less than half of that in the bank, a doctor's visit isn't going to happen. Given the amount of swelling around the wound, I realized the staples were becoming more and more of a problem as my started to grow over them. Considering how...challenging...the day had been already, I decided to take them out myself.
Equipped with a set of pliers in each hand, I slowly worked the staples forward. Unfortunately, I met resistance when I could not pull any of the remaining four staples out. I turned them carefully upside down, immediately seeing why I couldn't remove them...they had fused at the tip. Swearing profusely, I searched for wire cutters, to no avail. Finally, I grabbed a pair of cuticle scissors and carefully snipped the point of fusion. With a small gap in place, I used my pliers to separate the ends, eventually bending out the loop and running them through the wound.
After several rinses with a saline solution and peroxide, I cut tiny strips of adhesive tape into butterfly bandages. Hopefully, this will hold my leg together, since the swelling began to open my wound.
The bed calls to me, and I must heed. I leave you with a maxim that governs my survival:
"Pain is a master that never disappoints."