Jun 19, 2004 01:37
End of the world, huh?
We've been close, you know. If it weren't for SG1, the earth would have been obliterated at least six or seven or maybe even a dozen times during the past eight years.
Back at the SGC, I would have been sent through the Gate with the medical team to the Alpha site, prepping the area for wounded, refugees and the like. Making sure those who were on the A-list were secured safely.
But it's different now. Now I have more personal responsibilities. I'll admit, I'd try to get those I loved back to Colorado, get them through the Gate or maybe appeal to the Asgard or the Tollan or the Knox to take as many as they could, but if that weren't a possibility, then, like many others, I spend as much time as I could with those I loved. Gather with those from the Garage for one last round of ice cream, one last group hug.
Watch one more sunrise, one more sunset with Karr. Fall asleep in his arms and let it come.