All of this different to now because of one night. A new side of him seen, perhaps? But I'm glad I read this now, because for all you've said in the last few days, I doubt you've forgotten it. I realize you still have the relationship issues, and small moments that go Big Bang Theory change your mind pretty quickly. I am sad to see your feelings, or the potential for them, to be shattered by his lack of understanding. And I'm sorry I'm saying this in a livejournal comment, but its late and I'm doing my weekly lj vent and I thought I might forget it all by the next time I saw you.
The first five I totally get. Six thru nine seem like things easily forgiven. Ten is hella creepy, especially for you. I mean, I understand a photo of you and him on the nightstand maybe, so he can look at in when you're not there and feel at peace. But all over? Really? That would make even me uncomfortable.
I want the best for you. Duh. And I know stressful times have started to hit again even outside of the relationship... So I send this comment in the best of hopes that you will really consider how you felt, be completely and one-hundred percent honest with yourself, check your future regrets and make sure they're zero'd like out of stocks, and then act. We really should talk, though, so I'll call ya tomorrow. Val and I are going to a party at Cory's friend's house a bit north of Seattle if you'd like to go... So anyhow, I love ya, and talk to you later.
The first five I totally get. Six thru nine seem like things easily forgiven. Ten is hella creepy, especially for you. I mean, I understand a photo of you and him on the nightstand maybe, so he can look at in when you're not there and feel at peace. But all over? Really? That would make even me uncomfortable.
I want the best for you. Duh. And I know stressful times have started to hit again even outside of the relationship... So I send this comment in the best of hopes that you will really consider how you felt, be completely and one-hundred percent honest with yourself, check your future regrets and make sure they're zero'd like out of stocks, and then act. We really should talk, though, so I'll call ya tomorrow. Val and I are going to a party at Cory's friend's house a bit north of Seattle if you'd like to go... So anyhow, I love ya, and talk to you later.
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