Mushy snow death

Dec 29, 2008 05:17

haha, something is wrong with van... not like breakin down wrong or anything like that.. I just think he's sad.

Sad and cold.

Anywho, deathmas was pretty sweet this year, it was the first year wear I didn't feel compelled to do anything I didn't want to.. and that makes it the best christmas yet!

Soooooooooo, on with the *mushy* part..

Sooo as most of you know, I've pretty much always been anti-relationship... but I've actually met someone I think I might want to say the l word too, I lesbian you. It's kinda scary, not the direction I ever saw my life headed towards, still a little unsure on some things but I know that this one makes me happy. Every other time I knew from the first moment if it was gonna work out or not.. mayeb my judgements clouding with age, or maybe I just want to know its ok to not be alone.

SO I've made a list of flaws that I feel are not deal breakers in the slightest but still kind or fun.. I'll look back years from now and be like.. oh yeah I hate that about you!

Here we go, 10 things I hate about you.. (90's much)

1. (the worst) I hate that you sweat in bed. (I don't udnerstand that)
.. and it makes cuddling for large periods of time slimey and uncomfortable.
2. I hate that youdrive like a crazy person... on crack.
3. I hate that you refer to me as a 'space heater with a deep throat'.
4. I hate that you pick boogers from my nose instead of tell me about it.
5. I hate that you're so self-concious about your hair.. (thats totally my job).
6. I hate that you're better at bowling than I am.
7. I hate that you know how to make me laugh even when I'm pissed off at you.
8. I hate that you don't carry milk at all times, I lvoe cereal and it just doesn't work the same, without milk. (props that whe nyou do you dothe 2%)
9. I hate the pack-rat in you.. If I could set traps or pellets for it I would.
10. I hate that like to put my pictures up everywhere.. it makes me feel on display 24/7.

-the good thing about all these is I can resort to spousal abuse the correct them.

.. and I guess they make me feel like I have a place in your life.


I love the way you make me feel, even when you're not around.

toooooooo mushy!

oh yeah.. santas an asshole I 'sat on his lap' for hours and I still ddin't get teh mother fuckin easy bake oven.

he sent me a 20 and sad the 90's were dead.

I'll get the bitch next year.

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