Title: Between Sweet and Scary
Rating: PG
Pairing: Yehsung x Eunhyuk x Coffee
Notes: 13/78 (
78 Drabbles Challenge)
I needed some more YehCoffee. Like seriously.
mine_hykkie, my prompt was "Something between sweet and scary" ~ It's super short, but I hope you enjoy it anyway ^_^
Eunhyuk would never admit it, not out loud anyway, but he was kind of afraid of Yehsung. He loved his hyung, of course, he loved his entire Super Junior family, but something about Yehsung kind of freaked him out.
Eunhyuk had a feeling that Yehsung was hiding something. Like, maybe he had a secret evil agenda. Maybe it was the way Yehsung would sit there every morning, calmly sipping his coffee, watching. Just watching the chaos ensue around him, never saying anything, just watching, a mysterious smile on his face.
Yes, Eunhyuk was sure of it, Yehsung was hiding something, and it scared him.
But then one morning Yehsung stopped watching, and grabbed Eunhyuk, dragging him into an empty bedroom. And when he pressed his lips against Eunhyuk's hungrily, hands fisted in his dongsaeng's hair, all Eunhyuk could think about was how Yehsung tasted sweet, like the sugar from his last cup of coffee, and maybe Yehsung was something between sweet and scary. Whatever it was, Eunhyuk liked it.