Long Meme is Long

Feb 25, 2007 13:32

1. Last text?
From Singular, the same one they send me every few months that I don't read.

2. Do you wear deodorant?
That one kind....gillette maybe?

3. Orange juice or apple juice?
My vote will be orange until the fine people at the Odwalla cooperation come up with an apple juice which rivals their orange.

4. Have you ever been camping?
My family used to go to a few places along the Russian River, Clear Lake, Blue Lake, and Lake Shashta.

5. Who is the most unique person you know, and why?
Unfortunately it's myself, as I am the only one I know who would answer a question like this.

6. Have you ever been in love?
I'm becoming more and more sure each day.

7. 'Digged' or 'dug'?
Always "dug", no exceptions.

8. Are your parents still together?

9. Do you smile a lot?
I think I switch between Laughter, Chuckle, Grin, and Pout. Can't be sure since I can rarely see myself when I do it.

10. Have you ever been home schooled?

11. Skinny dipping or chunky dunking?
I *like* clothes. I'm not uncomfortable with my body, I just really like clothes. The more the better

12. Land or water?
Land is superior.

13. Have you ever prayed to Buddha?
I very well may have, but it would have been unintentional

14. Have you ever made a blood oath?
I'm honestly not sure what is involved in one.

15. Who have you met online?
Jessica (<3), Jess, various Pyokoites through SpookeyDonkey, A DM in Sacramento recently. Probably some others.

16. Ever run away from home?
I seem to remember having my bags packed when I was ~10 but never went through with it.

17. Your best friend:
Jessi! (Sorry, I know, etc)

18. Have you ever been beat up?
It sounds really silly of me, but there was someone who wanted to beat me up in freshman year I think and he kinda tripped and fell and I pinned him until he realized it wasn't a good idea.

19. Last phone call?
To Jessica last afternoon, where she was plaintively crying to me to come pick her up from work.

20. Tofu or bacon?
(Shitting, Bitch, etc) Bacon.

21. Weekdays or weekends?
Well, my "Weekend" is effectively 4 days long, so Weekends.

22. Have you ever been on a boat?
My parents have a pretty nice one.

23. What does the world need less of?
Chedder Cheese, Redundant acronyms, deception, greed, environmental waste, homeless, starving, poor, stupid, etc.

24. What is your most missed memory?
None to speak of, that I remember at least.

25. Flip-flops or slippers?
Flip flops generally, because slippers get all gross when you have them for awhile. And no amount of washing will get them fluffy again. ;_; (Same answer)

26. Do you drink enough water?
Milk has quite a bit of water in it...

27. Do you have any collections?
Coins, Toenails (until Jessica made me stop ;__;), misc computer hardware I'll prolly never use, very small rock.

28. Are you rude?
Rarely on purpose, often by accident.

29. What is one bet you've won?
Most recently, who could remember to call DrShoggoth "Habanero Chuck" instead of his actual name...don't ask.

30. Pain or no gain?

31. Do you have a boyfriend?
Despite Jessica's wishes, not yet.

32. Do you smoke?

33. Who do you talk to most on IM?
Definitely Jessica.

34. Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman?
Uh..neither if i can help it. (Again stealing answer)

35. What do you think of reality TV?
I think I've had my fun with it as soon as The Mole ended.

36. Have you ever gone streaking?
Technically. I don't want to talk about it.

37. Do you get enough exercise?
Gods no, I just have DDR I play on Tuesday and Thursday.

38. Do you like seafood?

39. Do you wear cologne?
I'd consider it if I found any I really liked.

40. Favorite food?
Palak Panner, Combination Pan Roast (Specifically the one from Silver Legacy, yes), some others I'm sure.

41. Would you lie to your best friend?
There are times when I think it would be best to do so, in such situations I'd suspect they'd encourage me to do so if they were in my position.

42. Math or science?
Math (Wrong answer honey!), fields of study dependent on highly subjective empirical data FTL.

43. Do you have a girlfriend?

44. Long or short hair?
My hair is both very long and very short, that's one of the reasons I like it so much.

45. One best friend or many good friends?
Many good friends.

46. Your first crush:
Actually I kinda moved right from "Scared of Girls" straight to "Huh...I'm in a relationship now"

47. Coke or Pepsi or an HIV Virus?
Going with #3

48. Hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Cheeseburger! Gouda, Swiss, Asiago, Munster, etc.

49. One goal you'd like to achieve this year:
Grades within 0.5 GPA of last semester.

50. Do you play an instrument?
Tried playing Trumpet in elementary school, it wasn't for me. I hope to budget something else later in my life.

51. Do you have any tattoos?
The day I get my BA in Mathematics I'm getting Euler's Formula

52. Have you ever considered suicide?

53. Would you smoke?

54. Have you ever been on TV?
I think the Tech Hi team was on TV for a while, technically I was in a big crowd on some different events, things like that.

55. New York or California?
California for now, but I really need to live in a big city at some point in my life.

56. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist?
There was that one time...wait, no, no there wasn't.

57. What is the perfect day for you?
I can't imagine.

58. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I've got one!

59. Have you ever bought a car?
Well, my parents bought one *for* me, so no.

60. Have you ever been drunk?

61. Have you ever cried in public?
All the freaking time, when I was much younger.

62. Would you try to take over the world?
Take over? No. Decentralize perhapses.

63. Tan or pale?
Pale. I don't want to talk about it.

64. Do you like holidays?
Most of the time I forget they're coming up, even my birthday.

65. What was the last compliment you received?
Well, I mean, I can spare you mushy stuff from Jessica (Even though I like it!) but when I was in Driver's School there was a woman I met there who told me I had "A great personality".

66. Have you ever been abducted by aliens?
If so they did a good job at the meat-smoothing thing.

67. Last time you were really really mad?
I really try not to get mad.

68. Do you pray?
Not in any expecting divinity sense.

69. Do you want to go to college?
For as long as I can.

70. Do you like celebrities?
As much as anyone else.

71. Hug or kiss?
Yeah, Hugs, seriously.

72. How many times a day do you go on myspace?

73. Rhyme, free verse, or slant rhyme?
Sure it doesn't need to rhyme, but then you're really just being lazy.

74. Have you ever been to a beach?
Duran Beach, I think, is the one we always go to.

75. Will the world end in fire or ice?
"...So there was this one episode of Lexx..." Wow, honey...great answer. I can't top that.

76. Have you ever been on the radio?

77. If you had to get married now, who would you want to marry?
Jessica. What did you think I'd say?

78. Who do you NOT want to meet?
I really think I would want to meet anyone I could, even a certain D&D Message board Nemesis of mine.

79. Watching or playing sports?

80. Do you get along with your parents?

81. Hot or cold?
Cold. You can always put on another blanket, but once you're down to undies you're basically owned.

82. Do you believe in miracles?
I really most assuredly do not.

83. Have you ever danced in public?
Yes, most recently to embarrass Jessica by waltzing(?) in the middle of the UCD Quad.

84. Favorite age you have been so far?
Everything past 15 has been pretty sweet.

85. Do you study the Bible?
I could tell you some things about the book of Job.

86. Have you ever gone rock climbing?

87. Have you ever tried to bite a dentist?
I generally ask for one of those red rubber things that force your mouth open just in case.

88. Have you ever walked more than a mile?

89. Have you ever skipped school?
Yes, and I don't think I've ever regretted it.

90. What's your favorite animal?
Jessica? Bush Babbies? Armadillos? Not sure.

91. Do you know how to drive stick?
God no, too many things to worry about.

92. Have you ever gone to a private school?
I've been to one, just wasn't enrolled.

93. Have you ever been high?

94. Are you artistic?

95. Croutons or bacon bits?
Croutons, always.

96. What's your favorite car?
Sparrow maybe?

97. What's your favorite TV show?
HOUSU is up there, but my roomates and I started watching DVDs of Lost which I'm liking a lot. Lexx will always be the best ever, though.

98. How are you feeling right now?

99. What is your favorite musical instrument?
Theremin, perhapses the Violin.

100. Mom or Dad?
Mom. I got the most physical and behavioral traits from her.

101. Have you ever shoplifted?
A little.

102. What is your favorite name?
Octavio J. Olavio. Totally not how it's actually spelled I'm sure, has a bit of a history.

103. Do you know any foreign languages?
I took two years of German in high school.

104. Have you ever eaten sushi?
Personal record is still 16 plates in one sitting.

105. Would you live in a different country?

106. Mints or chewing gum?

107. Do you want to talk to anyone right now?
Not really.

108. Would you chug beer?
Couldn't say.

109. What are you wearing right now?
Green and white plaid golf shorts, grey-green shirt.

110. Logic or art?
I don't find them to be mutually exclusive, see the link in the Tattoo question.

111. Emotional or physical pain?

112. Disney or Warner Brothers?
You actually formed a question where I choose WB, good job. Freaking Disney, man.

113. What is your favorite word?
Honestly none are coming to mind right now.

114. Pancakes or waffles?
Waffles are much better, unfortunately we don't have an iron.

115. What kind of music do you hate?
Techno, Indie, Punk...I think that covers most of it.

116. Would you be president if you could?
Heck no, I like not being assassinated.

117. Have you ever kissed someone?
Let's see...two people?

118. Have you ever driven a Ferrari?

119. Do you look like your mom or your dad?
Actually, as mentioned above, my mom. Same ears, hair and noes, and that's the only place I could have got the hight.

120. Have you ever met a celebrity?
Jay Leno, Dean Kamen, Micheal Moore, one of which has a funny but rather long story.

121. Say something annoying.

122. Do you want to have kids?
Not right now.

123. Would you give money to a hobo?
You will if you value your life.

124. Touch or be touched?
Can't you not do one without the other?

125. When you wake up, what is the first thing you think?
"Huh...I fell asleep"

126. Have you ever told someone that you loved them?

127. Explain your political beliefs.
I'm regestiered as Peace and Freedom But their site is honestly convincing me to reconsider. Oh, and EFF FTW.

128. What do you think about homosexual marriage?
I've yet to hear a convincing argument to limit it.

129. What is your favorite number?
e (2.718281828459045...), totally.

130. Would you sell your soul to the Devil?
Whatever gives the most pluses.

131. What's your favorite drink?
Root Beer, then Milk.

132. Have you ever been high... on life?
That's silly.

133. Have you ever seen Switchfoot in concert?
The hell?

134. Do you sing?
Often, most commonly in the car.

135. Do you like taking surveys?
My enthusiasm is wavering.

136. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping?
Around 40, in high school, Tech High overnighter party.

137. Is it Pet's Mart or Pet Smart?
Shop Smart, Shop Pet's Mart.

138. Do you own a camera phone?
I can't imagine why anyone would.

139. Good or evil?

140. Have you ever been on a motorcycle?
No desire to.

141. Who is your enemy?
Orange Frank and Sir Elton are up there.

142. What is something you wish you were better at?
Personal Disciple.

143. Do you believe in yourself?
Wouldn't I need to?

144. Are you a vegetarian?
Godless Commies, every last one of them.

145. Do you like thunderstorms?
Yet to experience one I didn't enjoy.

146. Do you like walks in the park?
Not especially.

147. Do you have a bad life?
A really most extraordinarily good life, in fact.

148. Have you ever been late to work because of myspace?
Freaking MYSPACE.

149. Do you believe in the external world?
Since God exists by definition, and he created the external world, and in his infinite good and wisdom could not be a deceiver the external world is deductively existent.

150. Have you ever been dumped?

151. What's your favorite store?
Amoeba Music

152. What store would you choose to max out a credit card?
Amoeba Music, Powell's, Bizzaro World.

153. Why do you like the music you do?
I can't imagine.

154. Explain what you think about hippies.
Most (self-proclaimed) hippies I meet I end up arguing with because they have such a strongly ingrained ideology that they are incapable of any kind of the tolerance which they haphazardly say they wish to encourage.

155. Have you been on drugs?

156. Do you have any piercings?

157. Do you know how to drive a car?

158. What if you had three wishes - what would you wish for?
I would try to forget this opportunity ever presented itself. There is *no* safe wish!

159. Have you ever been to a concert?
Phenomenauts, Jason Webley, Weird Al.

160. Snakes or rabbits?
Rabbits taste *much* better.

161. Favorite website?
wizards.com, I guess.

162. Chocolate or vanilla?

163. Favorite year so far?

164. Do you have a cell phone?

165. Happy or depressing music?
Happy, mostly.

166. Who do you talk to most on the phone?

167. What's the most common name you know?

168. Last time you saw your mom?
December 24th.

169. Explain what you think about abortion.
It's pretty simple. I don't care if an unborn child is a person or not, I still think it's reasonable to kill them. If only those who can financially and emotionally support a child do so then we have a whole generation of people who are much better off, which will carry over to future generations.

170. Have you ever been on a snowmobile?

171. Do you have a soul?
I've yet to see a definition of a soul, from Socrates to Nietzsche, which I can say I think I have.

172. Lace or satin?

173. Pink or blue?

174. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be:
I can't think of anything.

175. Do you stop to smell the roses?
Too often, if anything.

176. Who do you have a crush on now?
I'm totally squishing.

177. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most?
IM by far.

178. What is your favorite male name?

179. Explain your religious beliefs.
Utilitarianism, Determinism

180. Are you ghetto?

181. What's your favorite song?
Bare Naked Ladies - It's Only Me (The Wizard of Magicland)

182. What size shoe do you wear?
14. What we in the know call "Waffle Stompers"

183. What's your favorite movie?
The Hudsucker Proxy, let's say.

184. How do you align yourself politically?
Peace and Freedom, as stated above.

185. You are about to die. What do you do with your worldly possessions?
PPPLLLLEAAASSEEE! Bury me with it.

186. Do you believe in God?
In a metaphorical sort of way.

187. Ocean or pool?

188. Day or night?

189. Have you ever prank called someone?

190. Do you believe in love at first sight?

191. Do you send chain letters very often?

192. Do you drink alcohol?

193. When do you go to bed?
Lately? Around 1 or 2.

194. Are all the pigs lined up?
They'd better be if they know what's good for them!

195. Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?
Nope, I dislike theme parks.

196. Who do you want to meet?
I like meeting people in general.

197. Drums or guitar?
My vote is to the much maligned Drums.

198. Do you have a job? What is it?
I sort of have two: I have an (unpaid) internship at the CSUS Philosophy Department and I, with my mother, sell copies of my Great-Grandfather's book on traditional Native American bead weaving patterns.

199. Would you be my friend?

200. Do you ever cook?
I've got homemade coconut mashed potatoes and black pepper ice cream currently sitting in the fridge.


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