(no subject)

Sep 15, 2009 20:57


A beautiful and delicious crepe from Bbury's
Not enough coffee
2 Quorn chicken thingies
6 Clif Blox (avec caffeine)
and tonight...cholent with veggie kishka! Fuck yeah!


Scheduled: 1 hour and 30 minutes (again, just winging it for a week or two)

20 minutes of commuting (average pace, except for Bascom Hill. Goddamn you Bascom.)
1:30 minutes on the tri bike. Once I get the stupid Powertap data working, I'll upload that info here.
30 minute run immediately after bike. Probably ran a 10 min. mile...crazy slow. My body didn't want to go more than that.


Had a few rough moments during the run and I fought through them. I decided that any give this early in my training is a terrible thing. Unless of course my legs fall off.

1:15 minutes scheduled for tomorrow. Probably going to work some supplesse style work in with the fixie. Why the hell not? Also, I need to contact UW's Swim Team to get a coach on the quick.
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