September 14 , 2009-Training

Sep 14, 2009 18:48


No supplements of any variety
Some ridiculous amount of espresso (9-12 shots total)
Bbury's scone
Horrible chicken salad sandwich from Bus. School
4 slices of overpriced pizza

Not the best way to kick things off, but what the hell.


Scheduled: 1 hour 30 minutes (no particular plan)

30+ minutes of commuting (above average pace)
34:50 run at a crazy slow pace
30 minutes light indoor bike planned tonight (90rpm/150-200 watts)


I'm going nutso on the hills with the fixie. My VO2 max is going to go nutso with it if I keep it up. This is a good thing. I'd like to keep my running pace around that for a bit and get myself on an aggressive 5k-1/2 marathon plan over the next 16 weeks. Do a sub-1:30 1/2 mary by late winter.
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