for entanglement_rp

Dec 07, 2011 14:34


He'd been warned about the dangers of the BSL habitats, and more than one well meaning (and in one case, particularly rank smelling) adult human had tried to convince him it was no place for a child to be by himself. To which, he thought, it was a very good thing he was a young royal troll and not some wiggler or -worse- human child.

With the last warning still fresh in his head, he made his way to the aquatic level he'd heard of. Normally, he wasn't much for swimming; he could do it as easily as walking, sure, but sweeps of living on land had actually left him with a slight preference for not being underwater. Still, around here it seemed as though spending time in the water would be his only hope of reprieve from the almost suffocating mass of alien life that filled this poor excuse for a space station. Listening carefully to his surroundings in case anyone -or, more likely, anything- approached, he began undressing. Not much, just losing the cape, scarf, and shoes; storing them in his Sylladex for when he finally decides to come back to the surface.


It was somewhat interesting having the food provided by a many-tentacled beast instead of being the one providing food to said many-tentacled beast. However, at this moment he felt like he'd much rather be doing the latter, because this? This did not count as food. This didn't even count as edible. He wasn't sure what had been attempted today with the bricks... but he was fairly certain his fork should at least be able to pierce the surface of the food.

Ordinarily he would have looked around to make sure he wasn't being watched before doing something so childish, but he's so strangely fascinated by the behaviour of the dish that he merely picks up a piece with his fingers and drops it on the table.

It bounces.

[canon] homestuck, [game] entanglement_rp

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