Test run for imperial_saga

Nov 22, 2011 15:27

[So, both you and Bowser have left your respective armies behind and are meeting right in the middle- to negotiate, or to engage in a duel.]

... alright, my beef ain't with you. But YOUR piddly little warband's sitting in MY glorious army's path, and we're either going through you or over you, because you're looking at the biggest, baddest brute to ever wear a crown. Got it?


[Congratulations! You've somehow been kidnapped by Bowser and are in his castle, locked up in the super-posh "guest bedroom" under lock and key. The King himself is currently standing in the doorway, gloating like mad.]

Bwahahaha!! You're all mine now, Princess! This'll teach YOUR kingdom to mouth off to the great King of Koopas!

[... of course, it's entirely possible that this is a huge case of mistaken identity and you're not actually a princess. Or royalty. Or even female.]


[Maybe you're one of Bowser's few allies, grudgingly or otherwise- or a friend. Maybe you're someone he's captured before, or even repeatedly, and are important to his plans. Or maybe you're one of Bowser's most hated rivals, and he wants to make sure that HE'S the only one who will eventually take you down... or, heck, maybe you've never MET him before.]


[Either way, out of nowhere, Bowser knocks you out of the way and takes the attack meant for you, which engulfs him in a pillar of flame. ... ow.]


[Bowser is NOT in a good mood, and you manage to find yourself right in the middle of it. He's literally just PUNCHING WALLS and roaring fire towards the ceiling as he rants and raves.]

They dare!? They DARE call me "sub-human"!? Idiots! Morons!! I'm the great King of the Koopas! They can't treat me like some... some monster! I'm gonna thrash them all to an inch of their stupid lives! And them I'm going to BURN THEM ALL-

[He pauses and glares right at you.] What do you think YOU'RE looking at!?

[game] imperial_saga, [canon] super mario bros, [player] sumiyoshi

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