Sep 18, 2011 19:54


[The young man was pretty tired after a long day of work and was intending to take a shower. He squint his eyes at the blurry signs - if he could only Borrow Tindalos' sight.... Hawalt looks at what he thinks is the sign for the Men's shower room and enters.

It soon becomes clear to him that he's in the wrong room]


[After the battle, Hawalt is part of a team scavenging the battleground - his mecha is resting on the hilltop, shuddering as it absorb the sun's rays. He glance around - pushing his new glasses up to see - and spotting something, he ran over and started to dig with his hands, uncovering a strange, metallic corner of something]

This is what Tindalos sensed earlier... So they were here at one point.


[Hawalt stares helplessly at the money in his hands]

What do I do with this?


[While you're in the middle of something, Hawalt appoaches, arms folded behind his back and his expression even blanker then normal. When he speaks there is something clinically detached]

Tell Me. I Most Desire A Thorough Explanation Of [Insert Topic your character knows quite a bit]. I Desire This Information.

[game] srwug_alpha_rp, [canon] original, [player] shini

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