[for mayfield_rpg]

Feb 09, 2011 20:56


[You're standing in line at a fast food place. Maybe you're here to have lunch with Wally, maybe you're just trying to feed yourself. Either way, he's at the counter ordering enough food to sustain a developing nation.]

-- and five cheeseburgers, and a large order of fries. Oh, and some of those little corndog things! With mustard!


[STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM. You've broken the law, and now there's a guy in red spandex trying to apprehend you. A-and probably being a colossal smartass to boot. What do?]


[After an event of the traumatic and death-filled sort. He's sitting in the living room of your (because, for the purpose of this scenario, you're part of his fake!family) house with his mask in his hands, staring at it. Frowning. Let's say you're in on the whole secret identity thing. Let's also say that this is the most subdued you've ever seen him. Ask what's up? Mock? Honk your vuvuzela? THE CHOICE IS YOURS.]

[player] kerry, [canon] dc animated universe

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