
Dec 20, 2010 10:48

It figured. Things just HAD to go this way, didn't they? You, Will, and a few of the other students were supposed to be on this world for a holiday.

Which is why you were now practically neck deep in heartless.

Will's keyblade is already out, the silver blade gleaming in the light as she's slashing and thrusting towards the smaller Shadows that had surrounded you all. At least nothing bigger had shown up yet...

Oh wait, no, a giant dragon heartless just landed on the beach and let out a roar.

"Please tell me you have some idea about taking care of that thing!"

Well, you got Will interested in what you had to say. And considering that she had been ignoring you for the last ten to fifteen minutes, that's saying something. "Okay, so what do we need to do?"

Will wasn't sure when the order had put in a pool, but she really couldn't care less. Right now, all she cared about was swimming and relaxing in the giant sized pool.

Which is exactly what she was doing, dressed in a simple one-piece swimsuit and doing laps around the pool right now.

Want to mess with her? Comment on her swimming?

[player] mags, [game] keybladeorder

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