"I didn't have what it takes to wash dishes... y'know, drive, ambition, a lobotomy..."

Jan 12, 2010 16:20

Had to finally sign-on at the Jobcentre today. How monumentally depressing. It isn't encouraging that the whole building seems to be made out the same beige plastic I remember Fisher Price kitchen sets being made out of :(. I was waiting so long I started writing drabbles on the back of my application form, channelling Danny Kavanagh, who I always seem to return to at points of job-related despair :(. I was also writing him because I saw Emma Cunniffe in the ep of Cracker I watched yesterday, and I realised I haven't watched The Lakes in at least a week or so :). Gosh, I love that programme.

Then was hugly lazy for the rest of today, and watched The End of Time all the way through from my shiny, shiny new DVDs :). Twas awesome. Still angry that they gave Lucy such a rubbish cameo though :(. And I still start jumping up and down whenever Timothy Dalton does the whole 'this was the day, that the Time Lords returned" bit. I think I shall have to go and trawl the BBC audiobook library for stuff read by Sir Tim.. preferably something really long...


job stuff, cracker, dw, timothy dalton's awesome voice, the end of time, the lakes

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