"Don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries."

Jan 13, 2010 14:53

Have fallen out with Itunes. Evil buggers won't let me download my most favourite song of the week without downloading the entire Smallville soundtrack. Why would I do such a thing? Even Smallville fans wouldn't do such a thing!! *is sulky*.

Also, the bank decided to mock me by giving me fake money out of the cashline today, in place of my entirely meagre stock of real money-- NOT FUNNY HBOS!! Had a whole queue of folk in Morrisons looking at me like I was a criminal... although it did mean the wee lady at the till didn't bother to harass me about Savers' Stamps, which was a nice change.

Have been looking online for part-time courses to do to fill in my time while I'm being a lazy bum, but had a return of that feeling of NEVER EVER WANTING TO BE A STUDENT EVER AGAIN, which is a minor drawback. It also reared it's head while I was perusing HATII postgrads (courses I mean, not actual students). Gosh, I just don't think I can force my self to write a 15000 word dissertation about stuff I am only reluctantly interested in. Urgh. It makes me feel a bit ill. I feel like I would much rather do some kind of practical TV production NQ or something and fill in the rest of my time with writing and PromotERS stuff. Oh I don't know. I feel like I'm 18 and just chickened out of college again :(. Bleh, indecisiveness.

On the plus-side, I bought a multipack of Twinings teas which I'm looking forward to sampling :). I needed to buy a box of something new to replace my dwindling stock of Chai, but I couldn't decide what so, hey: multipack :D. Unfortunately it does not contain Lapsang Souchong, which is a shame, 'cos I just kind of love saying 'Lapsang Souchong'. I might name a kid after it.

Still haven't got round to watching the first ep of the new series of Being Human yet... I've seen bits of it, but not the whole thing. I'd really like to start an actual tv crit blog here, rather than just my Doctor Who squeeing, but I don't know if I can manage that... I'll definately do Being Human though, so stay tuned for innane rambling.


tea awesomeness, being human, fake money

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