Oct 18, 2009 21:14
We've decided to call our doc and ask about getting Rowan seen/medicated for reflux. She wakes up sounding hoarse every morning, she refuses to nurse and arches her back and screams, she spits up not just milk but mucous (and spitting up makes her scream as well), she's "forgotten" how to nurse to sleep at night and only falls asleep upright (though I can lay her down once she's really out, as long as I lay down, too)--she's clearly in pain and I hate that I can't just snap my fingers and fix it. Weight gain be damned, this is not right. It's gotten dramatically worse in the past few days and my diet hasn't changed. It's time to treat it.
I just finished reading a really interesting book called Saving Sammy. The author's son developed OCD due to strep, and was cured with high doses of Augmentin. The author (Beth Alison Maloney) talks briefly about other mental illnesses being caused by infection. She's not a quack--this isn't "OMG don't get the H1N1 vaccine because it's actually going to KILL YOU!!!" Anyway, anyone who has dealt with mental illness (or children with special needs in general) might find the book interesting.
Bear made chili for dinner. We decided to double it to use the whole package of ground beef, so I had to go to the store for a second can of Rotel and everything else we needed for the week. I had forgotten why I never, but never, go grocery-shopping on Sunday at dinnertime. The store was such a zoo, I spent 15 minutes just waiting in the checkout line, before she even got to me. I got home and Rowan was SCREAMING. Bear thought she needed to eat, but it turns out she just wanted to sleep--once she fell asleep and had a little nap, she woke up totally happy, and hungry, but not "OMG MY WORLD IS ENDING FEED ME NOOOW!!!", just hand-sucking hungry, which is a much easier time to feed her. :p
Rowan's pattern seems to be: Wake up, need a diaper change, eat, be happy and awake for awhile, begin to fuss, go to sleep, wake up happy. The problem is that "go to sleep" doesn't happen without major help from me or Bear. She'll fall asleep in the swing on her own, but I try not to keep her in there all day, you know? One nap a day, I'm okay with. Hours in there, not so much. So I hold her up against my shoulder (her favorite position) and walk with her, or sway from side to side, or rock her and sing lullabies, or whatever.
We'll keep trying the Moby, but she's not a huge fan right now. Maybe if I could tie it so she's up against my shoulder....
We have almost-but-not-quite enough diapers for Rowan right now--we have one clean (in the diaper bag) and some dirty and the rest in the dryer, clean but still wet because it takes a couple dryer cycles to dry them (clothes too--our dryer is just wimpy). Anyway, I just bought a lot of 10 used girly Mutt 3SRs for $11 apiece, so soon we'll have plenty of diapers.
I still wish the laundry would do itself, though. :p Or that we had two dryers, so that laundry didn't sit waiting to be dried.
I feel like giving birth ate part of my brain. I have a book that someone on PaperbackSwap has on their wish list, and I finished reading it right after Rowan was born, but I have no earthly idea where it is, so I can't re-list it. And for me to not be able to find a BOOK, well, that's pretty weird.