Today I woke up around 9:15 and got my mom and sister up. Well, maybe I crawled in bed with them and let them feel the baby kick and THEN we got up. :) We (mom, aunt, Miranda, Bear, and I) had scrambled eggs with veggies, cinnamon rolls from a can, and strawberries for breakfast. Around 11:20 Mom and Marilyn left to take Miranda to the airport on their way out of town. Now the house is very, very quiet with just the two of us in it.
That brings y'all up-to-date, I think.
Mom was very concerned about a crack in my cast iron skillet, but I didn't look to see what she was talking about because the pan has had a small crack in the side for years (seriously, for almost the entire nine years I've owned it). That crack didn't leak and I wasn't worried about it--it was visible when the skillet was hot and sealed back up when the pan cooled off. But after everyone left and I was cleaning up the kitchen (what a disaster!), I realized that there is a new, huge, crack in the skillet, and it's in the bottom, not the side. I washed and dried the pan and re-oiled it, and some of the oil seeped out onto the stove, so it's definitely time to replace the skillet. This makes me sad and frustrated, because while we can
buy the exact same pan, it won't have NINE YEARS' worth of seasoning. :( I have no idea how it could have gotten such an awful crack--we've never dropped the skillet or poured cold water into it while it was hot. (Anyway, I went ahead and ordered a new one.)
It does explain, though, why our stove burners often smell or smoke when they're hot--probably small quantities of oil have been leaking out of the skillet for awhile, and we didn't notice until now, when the crack is absolutely huge.