Dec 09, 2007 19:42
UM! so ive been so friggin stupid.. All the signs were there.. he's dating someone else... I should of friggin known... I get it now.. i get the whole thing! fuck this...
FUCK YOU! im over it... Moving on 100% but the fact that you didn't tell me, that was shit. I told you when i was kissed by someone else, and it was completely innocent this is shit.. you're a jerk... And i dont want to be friends anymore... but i will and ill go on acting like i dont know.. But i do know.. and um, i totally should of gotten this from the start.. you dont like me anymore because you found someone else. and you didnt even have the decentcy to tlel me.. i had to find it on your wall of facebook when i was going to write you a message.. friggin a. i feel so friggin stupid. i can't believe this! OMG! errrrrrrrr wow. Im so dumb! so dumb so dumb so dumb!
So friggin mad at myself..
-for the rest of the semester i will be doing nothing but homework. becuase i dont want to talk to you...
-Leave me alone.. im not worth it.. obviously theres better people than me out there.