Feb 18, 2004 17:55
I got a 90 in calculus on my progress report! *is ecstatic* We've had a pair of tests (he always gives one free-response followed the next day by one multiple-choice), on which I got an 85 and an 88. Looks like I've defeated the psychological demon of last semester! *runs around in circles cheering*
Making plans to go backpacking on Spring Break. ^_^ A few friends, my dad, and I will hike Blood Mountain, spend the night in the trail shelter at the top (a simple stone structure with nothing blocking the doorway or windowframes, no water, nothing but a fireplace and a roof). We'll spend the next day either hiking further along the Appalachian Trail and then doubling back, or hiking down and back up again with more water, or some of both, then spend another night before hiking back down, showering, and going home. Should be FUN!
I'm talking to my ex again. It feels... odd. I still see him two equal ways... ever wondered whether you've seen something of Truth and simply aren't able to accept it? ...I'll have to think about this.
Pizza! *follows nose*