
Apr 29, 2008 15:36

Here's a little hint, kiddies... when you pre-order the most anticipated game of your generation, and especially when you order the deluxe edition with all sorts of useless crap with the game, do not, i repeat, do not, skimp on the shipping, pay for the overnight!!!!!!!  I was dumb, guess I figured, "man, I'm spending this much money, better not pay extra for the shipping"... idiot.  Hopefully I'll have it tomorrow, if not, I may start crack or something else until it gets here.  Already did the pre-game release stuff, played the last version all night last night, got half a pizza and half a case of beer in the fridge at home, all ready...

Oh, btw, I can stay in my apartment until June 15th, so at least I got that going, if I had to move out I would have locked the game somewhere and not opened it until after the move was done, which probably wouldn't have worked too well, so at least this way I can enjoy the game a bit.

gtaiv, game

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