Hasidic Jews Singing Beck, or why I don't belive in dream interpretation

Nov 13, 2010 02:54

Between me shutting off my alarm this morning and me actuallly getting out of bed, I had this dream:

I was walking down a High Street that clearly wasn't High Street but rather the entrance to nearby Cedar Point, which, although its been several years since I've been there, I was certain that it is in Sandusky, Ohio and not Toledo, Ohio as mt dream clearly seemed to be in (the aforementioned High Street not withstanding). I was walking along with a group of my distant relatives and my dad's cousin Billy (always call him Uncle Billy) was leading the way. I started to realize that even though we were still outside the park, they had some game and refreshment booths setup along the sidewalk. As we were walking I checked out the booths, there was a water-gun horse race booth, a cotton candy booth and then a genera, prize booth at which time I realized that all the people manning these booths were extremely attractive girls wearing skimpy white lacy uniforms with white stockings, naturaly I was interested and stopped at the general prize booth to check out the girl there, this was one of those places that you would exchange your prize tickets for cheap crap at an arcade, what it was doing standing by itself I didn't know and didn't care. My Uncle Billy callec back to me and told me not to fall behind, I broke away from the hottie at the booth to find myself behind a group of three Hasidic Jewish gentleman who were debating the Zohar. Despite not seeing my family, I started to take a great interest in there discussion and they didn't seem to mind me stalking them. As we crossed High Street in front of Cedar Point it became Easton, we turned left in front of Easton Station and walked between the Station and the East parking garage, as I listened to my new Jewish friends debate I remembered that I just walked by extreme hotties and why the hell am I following three Hasidic Jewish guys? As I pondored this Beck's "Mixed Buziness" began playing on tne Muzak system. At first no one besides me noticed but soon the conversation turned to the exact lyrics of the song which turned into the four of us singing the song together. "I'm mixing business with leather, Christmas with Heather, freaks flock together, with all the big boys scream, All right now, all right, Turn it up now, turn it up now, all right, all right, turn it up now, ooh-ooh-ohh...". I remember thinking that their "ohh-ohh-ohh" was remarkibly spot and then the absurdity of the situation dawned upon me and I awoke to find myself running twenty-two minutes late in my morning routine.

life, dream

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