How Grand Was My Guignol

Jan 13, 2008 22:40

My first non-fic post since my "hello." I feel flush with accomplishment.

Anyhoo- we finally went to see Sweeny Todd tonight, and this Elder Goth feels compelled to put down her thoughts for the world to see. Not a review, just a brief observation. So, no spoilers here for the two people who didn't get to see it before I did.

I have to say that I thought Tim Burton incredibly clever with his interpretation. So incredibly clever in fact, that  maybe 5% of his audience will ever get it. Either that, or I'm waaaaay over educated, and had one too many film theory classes. Which I am, and did. So maybe both.

First, the tongue-in-cheek visuals from the opening credits where  literal "rivers of blood" flow, bringing us to the flat, lithograph-like images of London, invoking the flat sets of the stage play, *and* the original Penny Dreadful from which the story came.  Clever, clever.

Then, to stage it as if it were a Grand Guignol production,  homage to the great  theater which during the very era in which Sondheim's Sweeny  takes place, was producing nightly gore-fests on stage whose successes were measured by how many patrons fainted in the course of the evening. With a dose of old-fashioned Hammer Horror sprinkled across the top for a bit of spice. Done to a Stephen Sondheim soundtrack.

Yep, that would be my description. "Penny Dreadful meets Grand Guignol, the Musical! Produced by Hammer Films."

I had actually thought of calling this page "Penny Dreadful" when I first set it up, but felt it would set up the reader to think I wrote horror, so a trifle misleading and not a good idea. Still a great title, though.

movies, musings, goth

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