My new theme song is "You Had a Bad Day" by Daniel Powter.
Danae has fractured her foot. In at least one place; possibly two. She'll be in a boot for the next four weeks, maybe longer.
Did I mention that right before we went on vacation, she fell and hurt her arm? We had to get that X-rayed, too, because they thought it might be broken. Turned out it was only sprained, and she spent part of the vacation with her arm all strapped up. If she were Native American, we would have named her Walks Into Walls or Falls Over Things.
Did I also mention that we're supposed to be taking family pictures next weekend as a present for my grandmother?
redcurls16 has worked tirelessly trying to organize everybody into one place at one time--it's like herding cats. Danae's pretty pink spring dress is going to look really good with that huge black and blue industrial boot.
She's got a doctor's release from P.E. for the rest of the school year, which has made her extremely happy.
I just hope it's better in time for youth camp, because while Danae would be perfectly happy to go off to camp with or without the boot, she's under doctor's orders not to move any more than absolutely necessary, and traipsing all over the campground would definitely be counterproductive.
Delenn: Danae, why you broke your foot?
Danae: I don't know. Maybe God just wanted me to have a broken foot for some reason.
Delenn: Mommy? God broke Danae's foot!
Also, a family member suggested that we give Danae caffeine to see how it would affect her ability to pay attention for any sustained length of time. We let her drink a Diet Dr. Pepper every morning last week, and two out of her three teachers mentioned to Mr. T. this morning (when he took her in to explain the foot situation) that her test grades were considerably higher than usual and she didn't get any marks for talking out. I don't think he saw the third teacher, but she has Danae last during the day when the effect probably would have worn off anyway.
So, based on an extremely limited test so far, stimulants=good. We'll continue observing.
I got a charm for my bracelet with a tiny little laptop on it. The screen says "love my laptop." Because it's true.