Turns out today didn't suck for reasons I can't really explain. It seemed as though it was going to and yet things conspired against my bad mood. I guess the unpredictability of life works in both the positive and the negative, we just tend to notice the random bad shit that happens more than the good shit.
Anyhoo. I just found my Divx copy of Hercules and rewatched that... and then quickly realised why I both like and hate that movie. Like: The schmultzy hero story and the liberally scattered jokes. Hate: The glaring inaccuracy of Hercules' life. Ok, so Disney can be spared the wrath of every ancient history student because basically they're Disney and much like Telecom can do what the fuck they like. What are we gonna do? Bitch about it? Yeah, most likely.
For those of you who are into Anime in any way I can highly reccommend the Naruto series. Check out
http://www.narutofan.com for the Bittorrent link to download much Ninja goodness. The translations are a little iffy in some places. For example they use the English "Damn it" when the exact Japanese translation is "Shit". Also they have a habit of using "Brat" instead of "Kid" which tends to alter the context of their conversations somewhat. That aside, it's damn good. I'm probably preaching to the choir if you are an Anime fan at all but I am and I didn't know about it until someone thrust some DvDs under my nose and ordered me to watch them. I'm watching some right now :) Oh, that reminds me. Don't download anything that comes from the states. Fox Kids rips the guts out of the series much like Dragonball Z until it barely resembles the original Japanese cartoon. Make sure you get it from a fansub site like dattebayo. It also reduces your chances of downloading 125MB of horse porn.
The In Nomine game yesterday was a bit iffy I have to admit. Mainly because Dan isn't the most... communicative of GMs and sort of expects a little too much from his players too early on. We decided to make new characters and play in a very dark setting of IN. Basically, Armaggeddon has been and gone and neither side won. Both Heaven and Hell suffered enormous losses and retreated back into their bastions to lick their wounds and regroup for round 2. Earth remains unchanged by the whole affair. We're playing angels who are back on Earth 5 years after the conflageration. Rupert is playing an old character of his, Tionel an Elohite of War. I decided to make a new character and explore a concept I've been meaning to for a while but haven't been able to fit well into any of the settings. I'm playing an Elohite of Flowers. Her concept being that since the War failed to bring us victory, Heaven should now be focussing more on Peace and Harmony than outright destruction. After all, War has brought Heaven nothing good and Armaggeddon was not the final conclusion everyone thought it would be. So I'm playing a very sarcastic and somewhat aloof character who feels perfectly justifyed in telling off warriors who try and explain why war and conflict is so important. Anyway, the game was the first session and we lost a lot of time making our guys again. I'm sure it'll pick up later on, as long as Dan learns that sometimes it's better to just shut up and let the PCs roleplay even if it has nothing to do with the actual plot. Part of why I enjoy GMing In Nomine so much is the fact that I'm not under constant pressure to make things interesting for the PCs. I don't need to be firing them combat after combat or problem after problem to keep them interested and involved. Most of the time they just pick a spot in a diner somewhere and talk. It's beautiful to behold.