Test to Destruction, a Harry Potter Fanfic

Mar 22, 2014 07:33

A drabble sequence about Peter Pettigrew

”i.” )

harry potter fanfic, peter pettigrew

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Comments 7

oryx_leucoryx March 22 2014, 15:43:32 UTC
I think you posted it on your journal a long time ago too. I like your take on Peter's view of their relationship in their school days. James had only one friend he treated as an equal. The ending, with the switch being genuinely Sirius' plan rather than Peter's (or Tom's) idea, manipulated to be presented by Sirius, is a bit different than how I usually think of it. It does work though, if Tom expected to be able to force the Secret out of Sirius anyway (and the latter holds even if it wasn't actually possible, as long as Tom believed it was so ( ... )


anne_arthur March 22 2014, 16:59:16 UTC
Very plausible depiction of the Peter/James relationship - I liked it a lot.


mary_j_59 March 23 2014, 01:34:43 UTC
Yes, I've seen it before, but I'm glad you posted it again. It's very well thought out - and all too plausible. Why do people like James, again?


condwiramurs March 23 2014, 17:14:30 UTC
Very well done, as always. So plausible. I mean, it fits with James' behavior in canon, and Peter had to have some reason for drifting over to Voldie...


jana_ch March 24 2014, 21:31:17 UTC
It's one thing to defy torture and death for the sake of your foster-brother, as Sirius would have done, but it's quite another to do it for a schoolmate who made it clear he liked his other two pals a lot better than he did you. In Snape's Worst Memory, every word James and Sirius say to or about Peter is a put-down.

And it need not even have been a matter of facing torture and death to begin with. I'm currently reading a fanfic ("Valley of the Shadow" by Nightfall Rising) in which Death Eaters Regulus Black and Lucy Wilkes are winning over Peter by being genuinely friendly to him. It's obvious to anyone that Peter is the weak link of the Marauders, and therefore the one to be targeted for turning.


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